表格列表中的 Longtable 格式

表格列表中的 Longtable 格式


 1. Table 1
 2. Table 2
 3  Table 3
 4. Table 4
 5  Table 5

我的表格列表中没有出现第 3 和第 5 个表格标点。这些表格是使用 longtable 生成的,因为表格 1、2 和 4 位于通常的 \begin{table} 环境中。

有没有一种方法可以将标点符号与长表一起包含在 LOT 中?

以下是 MWE 以及所需的论文风格

\author{Michael C. Kunkel}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\uppercase{List of Tables}}
\usepackage{ODUthesis}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%



\caption[Table 1]{\label{tab:eff_events}Table 1 \vspace{0.75mm}}


Item & Data & Category \\
item 1 & data 1& cat 1 \\
\hline \hline


% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

\caption[G12 Production Run List Excluded From Current Analysis]{\label{tab:excluded_runs}G12 production runs excluded from current analysis and the reasoning}\\ %\vspace{0.75mm}

\hline \hline
\multicolumn{2}{l||}{Excluded Run}  & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Excluded Run} \\
\multicolumn{2}{r||}{Exclusion Reason} & \multicolumn{2}{r}{Exclusion Reason} \\

\multicolumn{4}{l}{\scriptsize continued from previous page.} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l||}{Excluded Run}  & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Excluded Run} \\
\multicolumn{2}{r||}{Exclusion Reason}  & \multicolumn{2}{r}{Exclusion Reason} \\

\multicolumn{4}{r}{\scriptsize continued on next page.} \\

\hline \hline

56476   &    Single-prong Run       &   56408   &     Lepton TrigBit (6) Not Set    \\


论文风格 ODUthesis.sty

% Dr. J. W. Van Orden, Professor, Department of Physics.
% 13 November 2011
%This file is meant to be used as a package with the standard LaTeX class file report.cls.
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%as updated in August 2010.
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                \ifphd \uppercase{Doctor of Philosophy} \else \uppercase{Master of Science}\fi \\
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                Director: Dr. \@principaladviser\\

                 Department of \@dept \\
                 Old Dominion University \\
                 Norfolk, VA 23529
                 Typeset using \LaTeX .

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                All Rights Reserved.

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