\ifnumequal{\thepage} 不适用于新页面的第一段

\ifnumequal{\thepage} 不适用于新页面的第一段




\section{first page}
Figures on first page \myref{fig:1} and second page \myref{fig:2}. \LaTeX consider this to be on page \thepage  %%% links to figure 2 but not 1 - correct

Figures on first page \myref{fig:1} and second page \myref{fig:2}. \LaTeX consider this to be on page \thepage %%% links to figure 2 but not 1 - correct

\caption{Figure caption text} \label{fig:1}

\section{second page}
Figures on first page \myref{fig:1} and second page \myref{fig:2} %%% links to figure 2 but not 1 - incorrect!

Figures on first page \myref{fig:1} and second page \myref{fig:2} %%% links to figure 1 but not 2 - correct

\caption{Figure caption text} \label{fig:2}


由于异步输出程序,TeX 在处理段落时通常不知道页码。因此需要在引用处添加标签来获取页码:


