

考虑以下最小不起作用的示例,其中第一个图形是使用“标准 TikZ”方法绘制的,第二个图形是使用 hobby 包绘制的:



\usetikzlibrary{calc, hobby}
\tikzset{tangent/.style = {inagle={(180+#1)},
                           designated Hobby path=next, 

            \coordinate (y) at (0,3);
            \coordinate (x) at (5,0);

            \coordinate (sp0) at (1.5, 0);
            \coordinate (ep0) at (3.5, 2);
            \coordinate (csp0) at (2.5, 1);
            \coordinate (cep0) at (2.75, 0);

            \coordinate (sp1) at (ep0);
            \coordinate (ep1) at (4.5, 3);
            \coordinate (csp1) at (4.25, 4);
            \coordinate (cep1) at (4.25, 2);

            \coordinate (sp2) at (sp0);
            \coordinate (ep2) at (0, -1);
            \coordinate (csp2) at (0.5, -1);
            \coordinate (cep2) at (0.5, -1);

            \draw[<->] (y) node[left] {$f(x)$} -- (0,0) --  (x) node[below] {$x$};

            \draw (sp0) .. controls (csp0) and (cep0).. (ep0);
            \draw[dashed] (cep0) -- (csp1);
            \draw[dotted] let \p1 = (ep0) in (ep0) -- (0, \y1);
            \draw[dotted] let \p1 = (ep0) in (ep0)-- (\x1, 0);

            \draw (sp1) .. controls (csp1) and (cep1).. (ep1);
            \draw (sp2) .. controls (csp2) and (cep2).. (ep2);

            \draw let \p1 = (ep0) in (\x1,1pt) -- (\x1,-3pt) node[anchor=north] {$x_0$};
            \draw let \p1 = (cep0) in (\x1,1pt) -- (\x1,-3pt) node[anchor=north] {$x_1$};
            \draw let \p1 = (ep0) in (1pt, \y1) -- (-3pt, \y1) node [anchor=east] {$f(x_0)$};
        \caption{Newton's method in action: diagram drawn using ``standard'' TiKZ methods.}

            \coordinate (y) at (0,3);
            \coordinate (x) at (5,0);

            \coordinate (sp0) at (1.5, 0);
            \coordinate (ep0) at (3.5, 2);
            \coordinate (csp0) at (2.5, 1);
            \coordinate (cep0) at (2.75, 0);

            \coordinate (sp1) at (ep0);
            \coordinate (ep1) at (4.5, 3);
            \coordinate (csp1) at (4.25, 4);
            \coordinate (cep1) at (4.25, 2);

            \coordinate (sp2) at (sp0);
            \coordinate (ep2) at (0, -1);
            \coordinate (csp2) at (0.5, -1);
            \coordinate (cep2) at (0.5, -1);

            \draw[<->] (y) node[left] {$f(x)$} -- (0,0) --  (x) node[below] {$x$};

            % Using \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints to calculate the angle for tangent
            % tangent takes a degree unit angle
            \draw (ep2) to [curve through ={(sp0) .. ([tangent=\pgfmathanglebetweenpoints{\pgfpointanchor{cep0}{center}}
                {\pgfpointanchor{ep0}{center}}]ep0)}] (ep1) ;

            \draw[dashed] (cep0) -- (csp1);
            \draw[dotted] let \p1 = (ep0) in (ep0) -- (0, \y1);
            \draw[dotted] let \p1 = (ep0) in (ep0)-- (\x1, 0);

            \draw let \p1 = (ep0) in (\x1,1pt) -- (\x1,-3pt) node[anchor=north] {$x_0$};
            \draw let \p1 = (cep0) in (\x1,1pt) -- (\x1,-3pt) node[anchor=north] {$x_1$};
            \draw let \p1 = (ep0) in (1pt, \y1) -- (-3pt, \y1) node [anchor=east] {$f(x_0)$};
        \caption{Newton's method in action: diagram drawn using the \texttt{hobby} package.}


line 79: Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/inagle', to which you past. ...\pgfpointanchor{ep0}{center}}]ep0)}] (ep1)
line 79: Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/Hobbyfinish' and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it. ...\pgfpointanchor{ep0}{center}}]ep0)}] (ep1)
line 79: Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/outangle', to which you pchor {ep0}{center}}', and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it. ...\pgfpointanchor{ep0}{center}}]ep0)}] (ep1)

tangent从 hobby's 那里得到了代码文档-- 参见第 17 页。我正在尝试进行设置,以便可以在所有文档中使用切线命令,这就是我尝试使用的原因tikzset。这样,我就可以将代码片段插入到我的全局 *.sty 文件中。




  tangent/.style = {
    in angle={(180+#1)},
    Hobby finish,
    designated Hobby path=next,
    out angle=#1


但更严重的是,使用\pgfmathanglebetweenpoints。这不会将答案留在流中,而是将结果存储在 中\pgfmathresult。因此,要按需要使用它,您必须事先计算它,然后只将答案放在tangent键中。

\draw (ep2) to [curve through ={(sp0) .. ([tangent=\angle]ep0)}] (ep1) ;




\usetikzlibrary{calc, hobby}
  tangent/.style = {
    in angle={(180+#1)},
    Hobby finish,
    designated Hobby path=next,
    out angle=#1

            \coordinate (y) at (0,3);
            \coordinate (x) at (5,0);

            \coordinate (sp0) at (1.5, 0);
            \coordinate (ep0) at (3.5, 2);
            \coordinate (csp0) at (2.5, 1);
            \coordinate (cep0) at (2.75, 0);

            \coordinate (sp1) at (ep0);
            \coordinate (ep1) at (4.5, 3);
            \coordinate (csp1) at (4.25, 4);
            \coordinate (cep1) at (4.25, 2);

            \coordinate (sp2) at (sp0);
            \coordinate (ep2) at (0, -1);
            \coordinate (csp2) at (0.5, -1);
            \coordinate (cep2) at (0.5, -1);

            \draw[<->] (y) node[left] {$f(x)$} -- (0,0) --  (x) node[below] {$x$};

            \draw (sp0) .. controls (csp0) and (cep0).. (ep0);
            \draw[dashed] (cep0) -- (csp1);
            \draw[dotted] let \p1 = (ep0) in (ep0) -- (0, \y1);
            \draw[dotted] let \p1 = (ep0) in (ep0)-- (\x1, 0);

            \draw (sp1) .. controls (csp1) and (cep1).. (ep1);
            \draw (sp2) .. controls (csp2) and (cep2).. (ep2);

            \draw let \p1 = (ep0) in (\x1,1pt) -- (\x1,-3pt) node[anchor=north] {$x_0$};
            \draw let \p1 = (cep0) in (\x1,1pt) -- (\x1,-3pt) node[anchor=north] {$x_1$};
            \draw let \p1 = (ep0) in (1pt, \y1) -- (-3pt, \y1) node [anchor=east] {$f(x_0)$};
        \caption{Newton's method in action: diagram drawn using ``standard'' TiKZ methods.}

            \coordinate (y) at (0,3);
            \coordinate (x) at (5,0);

            \coordinate (sp0) at (1.5, 0);
            \coordinate (ep0) at (3.5, 2);
            \coordinate (csp0) at (2.5, 1);
            \coordinate (cep0) at (2.75, 0);

            \coordinate (sp1) at (ep0);
            \coordinate (ep1) at (4.5, 3);
            \coordinate (csp1) at (4.25, 4);
            \coordinate (cep1) at (4.25, 2);

            \coordinate (sp2) at (sp0);
            \coordinate (ep2) at (0, -1);
            \coordinate (csp2) at (0.5, -1);
            \coordinate (cep2) at (0.5, -1);

            \draw[<->] (y) node[left] {$f(x)$} -- (0,0) --  (x) node[below] {$x$};

            % Using \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints to calculate the angle for tangent
            % tangent takes a degree unit angle
            \draw (ep2) to [curve through ={(sp0) .. ([tangent=\angle]ep0)}] (ep1) ;

            \draw[dashed] (cep0) -- (csp1);
            \draw[dotted] let \p1 = (ep0) in (ep0) -- (0, \y1);
            \draw[dotted] let \p1 = (ep0) in (ep0)-- (\x1, 0);

            \draw let \p1 = (ep0) in (\x1,1pt) -- (\x1,-3pt) node[anchor=north] {$x_0$};
            \draw let \p1 = (cep0) in (\x1,1pt) -- (\x1,-3pt) node[anchor=north] {$x_1$};
            \draw let \p1 = (ep0) in (1pt, \y1) -- (-3pt, \y1) node [anchor=east] {$f(x_0)$};
        \caption{Newton's method in action: diagram drawn using the \texttt{hobby} package.}
