

{如果需要,可以删除图形] 有人能告诉我如何正确编写吗?我应该如何使用段落?老实说,我迷路了


\newcommand{\Lm}{\lim_{x\to 0}}

\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
%If you want to title your bold things something different just make another thing exactly like this but replace "problem" with the name of the thing you want, like theorem or lemma or whatever


%Good resources for looking up how to do stuff:
%Binary operators: http://www.access2science.com/latex/Binary.html
%General help: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics
%Or just google stuff

\title{Theorem 7 (University Calculus, Has)}
\author{Joshua Johnson}

Prove the $\Lm \frac{\sn}{x} = 1$, using the Squeeze Theorem, and the Real Analysis, $\varepsilon$ - $\delta$ definition.

\textbf{Squeeze Theorem approach}

\paragraph{Let us imagine that we have a unit circle, this is used to determine an area inequality. \textit{Observe that if a unit circle is not used, a constant can always be factored out.}}




很难说清楚你想做什么,但我认为这段代码虽然不那么干净,但更干净。你不清楚你想把垂直或水平空间放在哪里,但你几乎肯定不想用 来创建它。请\paragraph注意,2 个空白行与 1 个空白行相同,\baselinestretch如果你不滥用字体大小命令,则无需更改 。大小开关会自动为你处理这个问题 - 如果你需要调整拉伸来补偿大小变化,那么你做错了。


\newcommand*{\Lm}{\lim_{x\to 0}}
    \item[\hskip \labelsep\bfseries #1\hskip \labelsep #2.]\Large}{\end{trivlist}}


  \title{Theorem 7 (University Calculus, Has)}
  \author{Joshua Johnson}

      Prove the $\Lm \frac{\sn}{x} = 1$, using the Squeeze Theorem, and the Real Analysis, $\varepsilon$ - $\delta$ definition.

    \textbf{Squeeze Theorem approach}

    Let us imagine that we have a unit circle, this is used to determine an area inequality.
    \textit{Observe that if a unit circle is not used, a constant can always be factored out.}




\paragraph{}\section{}是一个类似于 等的分段命令\subsection{}。要使用它,你可以说

\paragraph{Sub-division title}
Sub-division content goes here.

