这个问题得到了一些投票,但答案却隐藏在评论中。总结:这种差异是由于 pdf 查看器造成的。
一切都与 Adobe Reader 配合良好,它应该始终作为参考。
\usepackage{lipsum} % To generate test text
\pgfmathsetseed{1} % To have predictable results
% Define a background layer, in which the parchment shape is drawn
% This is the base for the fractal decoration. It takes a random point between the start and end, and
% raises it a random amount, thus transforming a segment into two, connected at that raised point
% This decoration can be applied again to each one of the resulting segments and so on, in a similar
% way of a Koch snowflake.
\pgfdeclaredecoration{irregular fractal line}{init}
% define some styles
paper/.style={draw=black!10, blur shadow, shading=bilinear interpolation,
lower left=black!20, upper left=black!15, upper right=white, lower right=black!10},
irregular border/.style={decoration={irregular fractal line, amplitude=0.2},
ragged border/.style={ decoration={random steps, segment length=7mm, amplitude=2mm},
% Macro to draw the shape behind the text, when it fits completly in the
% page
\node[inner sep=1em] (A) {#1}; % Draw the text of the node
\begin{pgfonlayer}{background} % Draw the shape behind
\fill[paper] % recursively decorate the bottom border
decorate[irregular border]{decorate{decorate{decorate{decorate[ragged border]{
($(A.south east) - (0, random*5mm)$) -- ($(A.south west) - (0, random*5mm)$)
-- (A.north west) -- (A.north east) -- cycle;