使用 apacite 的第一个参考文献被正确打印出来,但后续的则不然。
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% An macro that you may use frequently is the figuremacro
%: ----------------------- ´Bibliography ------------------------
% The section below defines how references are listed and formatted.
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% Changes the header from Bibliography to References
% File containing all references in BibTex format
Media have always been an essential element of democracy \cite{load05}. The Internet
as a medium has given individuals the opportunity to integrate, interact, network and
participate in wider communities for various democratic purposes \cite{nau12}. It has
been argued that “the widespread use of the Internet for social networking, blogging,
video-sharing and tweeting has an elective affinity with participatory democracy”
\cite{cast12, mast12}.
BibTex 代码论文参考文献:
author = {Loader, B. D.},
title = {The governance of cyberspace: Politics, technology and global restructuring},
publisher = {Routledge},
address = {New York},
year = {2005},
type = {Book}
author = {Naughton, J.},
title = {What you really need to know about the Internet: From Guttenberg to Zuckerberg},
publisher = {Quercus},
address = {London},
year = {2012},
type = {Book}
author = {Castells, M. and Caraca, J. and Cardoso, G.},
title = {Aftermath: The cultures of the economic crisis.},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
address = {Oxford},
year = {2012},
type = {Book}
author = {Mason, P.},
title = {Why it's kicking off everywhere: The new global revolutions},
publisher = {Verso},
address = {London},
year = {2012},
type = {Book}
- Castells, M.、Caraca, J. 和 Cardoso, G. (2012)。余波:经济危机的文化。[图书]。牛津:牛津大学出版社。1
- Loader, BD (2005)。网络空间治理:政治、技术和全球重组 [书籍]。纽约:劳特利奇。1
- Mason, P. (2012). 为什么它会在世界各地爆发:新的全球革命 [书]。伦敦:Verso。1
- Naughton, J. (2012). 你真正需要了解的互联网知识:从古腾堡到扎克伯格 [书]。伦敦:Quercus。1
为什么 apacite 在第一个引用的末尾添加数字 1?
这第一个问题让 APACite 工作,解决方案是:
% Use package for APA Cite
% Default style file. Change according to you preferences.
% Changes the header from Bibliography to References
% File containing all references in BibTex format
这第二个问题是每个引用后面都添加了数字一 (1)。 解决方案是将选项 pagebackref 的值声明为 false,如下所示:
\usepackage[ pdftex, plainpages = false, pdfpagelabels,
pdfpagelayout = useoutlines,
bookmarksopen = true,
bookmarksnumbered = true,
breaklinks = true,
pagebackref = false,
colorlinks = false, % was true
linkcolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue,
citecolor = red,
anchorcolor = green,
hyperindex = true,
这第三个问题使用 apacite 时,会从参考文献列表中删除参考文献类型([Book]、[Journal Article] 等)。这是通过从 BibTex 文件中删除它来完成的(如果您从 Endnote 导出它)。
author = {Straubhaar, Joseph and Larose, Robert and Davenporta, Lucinda },
title = {Media now: Understanding media, culture, and technology},
publisher = {Cengage Learning},
address = {Boston, MA},
edition = {7},
year = {2012},
type = {**Book**}
author = {Straubhaar, Joseph and Larose, Robert and Davenporta, Lucinda },
title = {Media now: Understanding media, culture, and technology},
publisher = {Cengage Learning},
address = {Boston, MA},
edition = {7},
year = {2012},
type = {}
这第四个也是最后一个问题是有些参考文献(例如,当它是书籍章节时),参考文献中添加了单词“In(此处为编辑姓名)”,但单词“In”却以另一种语言显示。解决此问题的方法是删除 .cls 文件中的该语言。在我的情况下,它是瑞典语,并且不太需要它:
The letter å is \r{a}
The letter ä is \"a
The letter ö is \"o