Springer 期刊格式的类文件。我想要一个单独的标题页,其中包含标题、作者姓名、地址和脚注。这是我的代码。
\documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3} % twocolumn
\smartqed % flush right qed marks, e.g. at end of proof
%\usepackage{blindtext} % For dummy text
%>>>> uncomment following to start page numbering at 301
% \usepackage{mathptmx} % use Times fonts if available on your TeX system
% insert here the call for the packages your document requires
% etc.
% please place your own definitions here and don't use \def but
% \newcommand{}{}
% Insert the name of "your journal" with
% \journalname{myjournal}
\title{this is my title}
\author{author 1 \and author 2}
\institute{Department of Computer Science \& Engineering \at
institute name\\
\email{[email protected]}
Department of Computer Science \& Engineering \at
institute name\\
\email{[email protected]}
\date{Received: date / Accepted: date}
% The correct dates will be entered by the editor