我在使用 awk 时遇到问题。从作为参数给出的每个文件中打印长度至少为 10 的行数。此外,打印该行的内容(前 10 个字符除外)。在文件分析结束时,打印文件名和打印的行数。
print "The number of line is:" FNR
print "The content of the line is:" substr($0,10)
x= wc -l //number of lines of file
if(FNR > x)
print "This was the analysis of the file:" FILENAME
print "The number of lines with characters >10 are:" s
这会打印文件名以及每行后至少有 10 个字符的行数,但我想要这样的内容:
print "The number of line is:" 1
print "The content of the line is:" dkhflaksfdas
print "The number of line is:" 3
print "The content of the line is:" asdfdassaf
print "This was the analysis of the file:" awk.txt
print "The number of lines with characters >10 are:" 2
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
## Every time we change file, print the data for
## the last file read (ARGV[ARGIND-1])
if(FNR==1 && ARGIND>1){
print "This was the analysis of file:" ARGV[ARGIND-1]
print "The number of lines with >10 characters is:" s,"\n"
print "The line number is:" FNR
print "The content of the line is:" substr($0,10)
## print the data collected on the last file in the list
print "This was the analysis of file:" ARGV[ARGIND]
print "The number of lines with >10 characters is:" s,"\n"
$ ./foo.awk a b c
The line number is:2
The content of the line is:kldjahlskdjbasd
This was the analysis of the file:a
The number of lines with characters >10 is:1
The line number is:2
The content of the line is:ldjbfskldfbskldjfbsdf
The line number is:3
The content of the line is:kfjbskldjfbskldjfbsdf
The line number is:4
The content of the line is:ldfbskldfbskldfbskldbfs
The line number is:5
The content of the line is:lsjdbfklsdjbfklsjdbfskljdbf
This was the analysis of the file:b
The number of lines with characters >10 is:4
The line number is:1
The content of the line is: asdklfhakldhflaksdhfa
This was the analysis of the file:c
The number of lines with characters >10 is:1
您可以将文件结束摘要放在一个END {...}
块中 - 它将在脚本退出时执行。
即摆脱假的x=wc -l
并将其更改if (FNR > x) { ... }
为只是END { ... }