仅在非投影仪文档中的图形中模拟 \

仅在非投影仪文档中的图形中模拟 \

我正在根据使用 Beamer 编写的讲义撰写一本书。在这些笔记中,我使用 TikZ 绘制了一些图形,我想将它们转移到书中。但是,其中一些只使用 \ 来显示不同的子图。这在回忆录类中不起作用。有没有办法模拟它,比如说在我可以指定我想要的特定幻灯片的环境中\begin{selectslide}{2} ... \end{selectslide}?我的替代方法是手动提取正确的幻灯片,这很繁琐且容易出错。


如果您只想模拟\only,特别是在 TikZ 的环境中,那么我们可以编写一个小解析器来执行此操作。


    \advance\c@only@begin by -1\relax
    \advance\c@only@end by 1\relax

    % No hyphen in original.
      % \only<a->
      % \only<a-b> or \only<-b>; #2 contains 'b-'


  \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=base,circle, draw}]
    \draw (0,0) rectangle (6,2);
    \node at (1,1) {a};
    \only<2->{ \node at (2,1) {b}; }
    \only<2-3>{ \node at (3,1) {c}; }
    \only<3>{ \node at (4,1) {d}; }
    \only<-4>{ \node at (5,1) {e}; }



我不声称自己有良好的 TeX 编码风格,但这编译为 在此处输入图片描述


不幸的是,我不知道如何使用投影机覆盖规范来实现这一点。但是TikZ 样式非常强大,可以用来模拟类似的行为,尽管我不知道如何削减样板代码。



        % Define the 'none'-style, which hopefully ensures that nothing is being drawn visibly.
        none/.style         = {
            draw               = none,
            fill               = none,
            text opacity       = 0
        % --------------------------
        % Boilerplate code to roughly emulate beamer overlay behaviour.
        % Use the 'onlyslide'-style in all nodes, paths etc. that you want to appear only on one specific slide.
        % You can't use more than one onlyslide on one node or path.
        onlyslide1/.style   = {none},
        slide1/.style       = { onlyslide1/.style = {} },
        % Copy the code for every slide
        onlyslide2/.style   = {none},
        onlyslide3/.style   = {none},
        % This is what you could do if you wanted something to appear on more than one slides, but not on all
        onlyslides23/.style = {none},
        slide2/.style       = {
            onlyslide2/.style  = {},
            onlyslide23/.style = {}
        slide3/.style       = {
            onlyslide3/.style  = {},
            onlyslide23/.style = {}
        % --------------------------
        % This is the actual image you want to draw. I'm drawing it as a pic for convenience.
        % You would need TikZ 3.0 for that to work. But you can use the styles above also in a normal tikzpicture.
        yourimage/.pic      = {
            \node[draw,onlyslide1]          {Only visible on slide 1};
            \node[draw,onlyslide2] at (2,0) {Only visible on slide 2};
            \node[draw]            at (6,0) {Always visible};

    % --------------------------
    % Finally, let's use all that in your actual document:

    This is how it looks on the first slide:

        \pic {yourimage};

    This is how it looks on the second slide:

        \pic {yourimage};


