








\newcommand{\repetita}[1]{\leavevmode\xleaders\hbox{#1\ }\hfill\kern0pt}
\newcommand{\todopar}[2][To Do]{%

  \todopar{This is somehing we have to do soooo bad that takes even more than one line oh my gosh.}
  \todopar{Lot of work}









\newcommand{\todopar}[2][To Do]{%
% end the previous par and start a local group
% special para uses full length lines, no white space
% at start or end
% set colour for the filler text
% save filler text in box, for measuring
  \sbox0{#1 }%
% Set the message text in a normal paragraph with normal
% \parfillskip to allow the last line to be short as usual.
% the whole construct is inside a scratch box 2.
% Finish the paragraph with the message text
% Probably not needed but remove any glue or penalty
% after the last line
% remove the last (or only) line of the message paragraph
% At this point box0 is always full width but contains the last
% line of the message followed by \rightskip and \parfillskip glue
% so \unskip twice and globally save box1 with the natural length
% of the last line of the message.
% Now remove the baselineskip glue before that last line.
% and finish the box
% Now box2 contains all the lines of the message except the last
% so for a short message it will be empty
% see how many filler text it takes for 2 lines of text
  \divide\count0 \wd0 %
% see how many filler text it takes to pad one side
% of a line that has the (last line of) the message in
% the middle
  \divide\count2 \wd0 %
% save the filler text, use a macro rather than the box
% to allow any white space in the filler to stretch
  \def\tmp{\strut#1 }%
% make a paragraph of \count0 copies of the filler making
% a two full length  line paragraph
% unbox box 2 this is the initial full length lines of the message
% in the main color. As this is unboxed it is a normal sequence of
% line boxes and glue so can break at a page. 
% Now make a 1-line paragraph with count2 copies of filler
% either side of the last line of the message, with a word space 
% padding either side/
  \xrep{\count2} \textcolor{todocol}{\unhbox1} \xrep{\count2}\par
% As before a 2 line filler paragraph
% end the local group
% A skip to match the one at the start.

% A simple recursive loop macro, makes #1
% copies of \tmp

% A test document....
  \todopar{This is somehing we have to do soooo bad that takes even more than one line oh my gosh.}
  \todopar{Lot of work}
