我正在使用以下代码创建两个表(tikz 包}
\matrix (conmat) [row sep=.01cm,column sep=.01cm, ampersand replacement = \&] {
\node (tpos) [box, align = center,
label=left:\( \mathbf{P'} \),
label=above:\( \mathbf{P} \)
] {True Positive \\ (tp)};
\node (fneg) [box, align = center,
] {False Negative \\ (fn)};
\node (fpos) [box, align = center,
label=left:\( \mathbf{N'} \),
] {False Positive \\ (fp)};
\node (tneg) [box, align = center,
] {True Negative \\ (tn)};
\node [rotate=90,left=.01cm of conmat, text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=center] {\textbf{Actual Label}};
\node [above=.01cm of conmat] {\textbf{Predicted Label}};
\matrix (costmat) [row sep=.01cm,column sep=.01cm, ampersand replacement = \&] {
\node (tpcos) [box, align = center] {$0$};
\node (fncos) [box, align = center] {$1+\beta^2-t$};
\node (fpcos) [box, align = center] {$t$};
\node (tncos) [box, align = center] {$0$};
\subcaptionbox{Contingency Table}[.4\textwidth]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[box/.style={draw,rectangle,text width=1.5cm,align=left}]
\end{tikzpicture} }
\subcaptionbox{Cost Matrix}[.3\textwidth] {
\begin{tikzpicture}[box/.style={draw,rectangle,minimum size =1cm,text width=1.5cm,align=left}]
\end{tikzpicture} }
\caption{Binary Classification}
您必须将两个矩阵中相等的列和行的最小大小固定为相等,以获得相似的大小。否则, 的第一列costmat
将调整为比 的第一列更窄的大小conmat
\tikzset{box/.style={draw, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm}}
\matrix (conmat) [draw, row sep=.01cm,column sep=.01cm, ampersand replacement = \&] {
\node (tpos) [box, align = center,
label=left:\( \mathbf{P'} \),
label=above:\( \mathbf{P} \)
] {True Positive \\ (tp)};
\node (fneg) [box, align = center,
label=above:\textbf{N} ] {False Negative \\ (fn)};
\node (fpos) [box, align = center, label=left:\( \mathbf{N'} \) ] {False Positive \\ (fp)};
\node (tneg) [box, align = center ] {True Negative \\ (tn)};
\node [rotate=90,left=.01cm of conmat, text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=center] {\textbf{Actual Label}};
\node [above=.01cm of conmat] {\textbf{Predicted Label}};
\matrix (costmat) [draw, row sep=.01cm,column sep=.01cm, ampersand replacement = \&] {
\node (tpcos) [box, align = center] {$0$};
\node (fncos) [box, align = center] {$1+\beta^2-t$};
\node (fpcos) [box, align = center] {$t$};
\node (tncos) [box, align = center] {$0$};