我正在用 LaTeX 写我的硕士论文。应该说我以前没用过它,对我来说一切都是新的。我一直都很好,直到我在编译命令 \noindent 和 \hline 时遇到了一些麻烦。
我希望标题页底部有一条水平线,上面写着我工作的地点和日期。从主管姓名到底部边缘有一段很好的空白,但编译器会忽略这段空白,并将城市名称和行放在下一页。页面的框架告诉我还有空间可以放置文本。不用说,我用 [showframe] 加载了几何图形。
此外,我还收到一条因 \hline 引起的错误消息,提示“>misplaced \noalign”。
%--------Code in the main.tex file, prior to any page-----------%
\usepackage{graphicx} %loads the graphics package, necessary for pictures
\usepackage[showframe]{geometry} %allows to change margins and distances within the page's frame
\usepackage{framed} %to make frames, such as in the title page and abstract
\graphicspath{{images/}} %Direction where LaTeX will look for the images.
%-----------Here the Title Page starts, in a different .tex file-----------%
\setlength{\voffset}{-2.5cm} %---This commands here are for changing the margin of the page, so the image can be placed up there. They must be before \begin{center} otherwise they don't work.
\setlength{\textheight}{690pt} %height of the box where the text is placed.
\begin{framed} %----Frame around the tile-----
\textbf{Experimental Characterization of Steady-State Applied Field Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster SX3}
\textbf{Master Thesis}
\textline[t]{Submitted by:}{\LARGE My Name}{}
\textline[t]{Matriculation Number:}{\LARGE 123456789}{}
\specialtxtl[t]{at:}{Master's program}{}
\textbf{"Aerospace Engineering"}
\specialtxtl[t]{Supervisor:}{Name Name}{}
\textbf{\LARGE Name Name}
\raggedright Stuttgart, 19/03/2015
\chapter*{Abstract} %--From here is just the template of the thesis, table of content and chapters.
Standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard
I want to thank...
Standard Standard standard standard standard standard
\newgeometry{headheight=0pt,textheight=690pt}% doubt your really want voffset=-25mm as it pushes the content off the page
\textbf{Experimental Characterization of Steady-State Applied Field Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster SX3}
\textbf{Master Thesis}
\textline[t]{Submitted by:}{\LARGE My Name}{}
\textline[t]{Matriculation Number:}{\LARGE 123456789}{}
\specialtxtl[t]{at:}{Master's program}{}
\textbf{``Aerospace Engineering''}
\specialtxtl[t]{Supervisor:}{Name Name}{}
\textbf{\LARGE Name Name}
\raggedright Stuttgart, 19/03/2015
Standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard
I want to thank...
Standard Standard standard standard standard standard