我从同事的文档中复制粘贴了一个长表(经许可),以帮助我创建长表。尝试编译时,编译在 处停止,\end{longtabu}
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
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\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {
p{14em} % paper col aligned left
c % levels
p{5em} % criterion
X[2.5,l] % state var
X[1,l] % stage length
p{4em} % decisions
l % application
X[2.5,l] % misc
\caption{Overview over Sheer Detection Models}\\
Paper\footnotemk{a} & Method\footnotemk{b} & Case\footnotemk{c} & Variables\footnotemk{d} & Performance\footnotemk{e} & Species\footnotemk{f} & Misc\\
Paper\footnotemk{a} & Method\footnotemk{b} & Case\footnotemk{c} & Sensor variables\footnotemk{d} & Other variables & Performance\footnotemk{e} & Species\footnotemk{f} & Misc\\
(\emph{Continued on next page}) & \\
% table content
\citet{Ref165} & Moving Average, EWMA, LOESS & CM & Electric Conductivity & Milk Yield, SCC & & Dairy Cow & Three methods tested for detecting CM at two levels of SCC-threshold (100.000 cells/ml and 400.000 cells/ml).\\
\footnotetxt{a}{Papers have been ordered in reverse order of year.}
\footnotetxt{b}{Number of levels in the MDP. If 1 then the MDP is an ordinary MDP.}
\footnotetxt{c}{$DR$ = expected discounted reward, $R$ = expected reward, $R/T$ = average reward per time unit, $R/Q$ average reward per quantity unit. Algorithm used is given in parentheses (VI = value iteration, PI = policy iteration, HPI = hierarchical policy iteration, LP = Linear programming).}
\footnotetxt{d}{State variables for each level in the process (separated with semicolon). The number of levels/classes of each state variable is given in parentheses.}
\footnotetxt{e}{Stage length at each level in the process (separated with semicolon). Maximum number of stages given in parentheses.}
\footnotetxt{f}{R = replace, K = keep, I = Inseminate, G = Grazing, Fe = Feeding intensity, Fa = Fattening.}
\footnotetxt{g}{Animal group applied to. The country from which the parameters has been estimated is given in parentheses.}
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\vskip 2em%
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\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
%\usepackage[round,sort&compress]{natbib} % Natbib for better citations %longnamesfirst
\usepackage{pdflscape} % landscape env
%\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}% places footnotes at page bottom
\newcommand{\footnotetxt}[2]{\footnotemk{#1} #2\par}
\tabcolsep=3pt % Half the width of the horizontal space between columns
\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {
p{14em} % paper col aligned left
c % levels
p{5em} % criterion
X[2.5,l] % state var
X[1,l] % stage length
p{4em} % decisions
l % application
X[2.5,l] % misc
\caption{Overview over Sheer Detection Models}\\
Paper\footnotemk{a} & Method\footnotemk{b} & Case\footnotemk{c} & Variables\footnotemk{d} & Performance\footnotemk{e} & Species\footnotemk{f} & Misc\\
Paper\footnotemk{a} & Method\footnotemk{b} & Case\footnotemk{c} & Sensor variables\footnotemk{d} & Other variables & Performance\footnotemk{e} & Species\footnotemk{f} & Misc\\
% \midrule
(\emph{Continued on next page}) & \\
% table content
\citet{Ref165} & Moving Average, EWMA, LOESS & CM & Electric Conductivity & Milk Yield, SCC & & Dairy Cow & Three methods tested for detecting CM at two levels of SCC-threshold (100.000 cells/ml and 400.000 cells/ml).\\
\footnotetxt{a}{Papers have been ordered in reverse order of year.}
\footnotetxt{b}{Number of levels in the MDP. If 1 then the MDP is an ordinary MDP.}
\footnotetxt{c}{$DR$ = expected discounted reward, $R$ = expected reward, $R/T$ = average reward per time unit, $R/Q$ average reward per quantity unit. Algorithm used is given in parentheses (VI = value iteration, PI = policy iteration, HPI = hierarchical policy iteration, LP = Linear programming).}
\footnotetxt{d}{State variables for each level in the process (separated with semicolon). The number of levels/classes of each state variable is given in parentheses.}
\footnotetxt{e}{Stage length at each level in the process (separated with semicolon). Maximum number of stages given in parentheses.}
\footnotetxt{f}{R = replace, K = keep, I = Inseminate, G = Grazing, Fe = Feeding intensity, Fa = Fattening.}
\footnotetxt{g}{Animal group applied to. The country from which the parameters has been estimated is given in parentheses.}