我如何强制 TeX 在标题页和摘要页上添加页码?

我如何强制 TeX 在标题页和摘要页上添加页码?


我在 SE 上找到了几个相同的问题,但得到的答案对他们(或我)不起作用。代码结构如下,我删除的基本上都是文本。

\title{I want a 1 to appear at the bottom of this page [doesn't work]}

I want a 2 to appear at the bottom of this page [works fine]
I want a 3 to appear at the bottom of this page [works fine]


设置empty页面样式 - 通常在发布时调用\maketitle- 等同于plain页面样式:

\title{I want a 1 to appear at the bottom of this page [works fine]}


\let\ps@empty\ps@plain % 'empty' page style = 'plain' page style

I want a 2 to appear at the bottom of this page [works fine]
I want a 3 to appear at the bottom of this page [works fine]

