包 pgf 错误:未知形状 C_1

包 pgf 错误:未知形状 C_1

我试图编译一个图的乳胶代码。但是,我遇到了很多错误。它显示包 pgf 错误:没有已知形状 C_1。图中的所有节点都出现了此错误。


% Define layers

% The scale option is useful for adjusting spacing between nodes.
% Note that this works best when straight lines are used to connect
% the nodes.
    % set node style
    \tikzstyle{n} = [draw,shape=circle,minimum size=2em,
                        inner sep=0pt,fill=red!20]
    \begin{dot2tex}[dot,tikz,codeonly,styleonly,options=-s -tmath]
        digraph G  {
            node [style="n"];
            A_1 -> B_1; A_1 -> B_2; A_1 -> B_3;
            B_1 -> C_1; B_1 -> C_2;
            B_2 -> C_2; B_2 -> C_3;
            B_3 -> C_3; B_3 -> C_4;
    % annotations
    \node[left=1em] at (C_1.west)  (l3) {Level 3};
    \node at (l3 |- B_1) (l2){Level 2};
    \node at (l3 |- A_1) (l1) {Level 1};
    % Draw lines to separate the levels. First we need to calculate
    % where the middle is.
    \path (l3) -- coordinate (l32) (l2) -- coordinate (l21) (l1);
    \draw[dashed] (C_1 |- l32) -- (l32 -| C_4);
    \draw[dashed] (C_1 |- l21) -- (l21 -| C_4);
    \draw[<->,red] (A_1) to[out=-120,in=90] (C_2);
    % Highlight the A_1 -> B_1 -> C_2 path. Use layers to draw
    % behind everything.
        \draw[rounded corners=2em,line width=3em,blue!20,cap=round]
                (A_1.center) -- (B_1.west) -- (C_2.center);



  • 该程序dot2tex需要安装。

  • 用于 LaTeX 运行的选项-shell-escape或(MiKTeX)。--enable-write18

然后打包dot2texi使用文件中的 TikZ 命令将点数据转换为 TeX 代码\jobname-dot2tex-fig1.tex(请参阅包文档):

\node (A_1) at (147bp,162bp) [n] {$A_1$};
  \node (C_1) at (30bp,18bp) [n] {$C_1$};
  \node (C_3) at (186bp,18bp) [n] {$C_3$};
  \node (C_2) at (108bp,18bp) [n] {$C_2$};
  \node (C_4) at (264bp,18bp) [n] {$C_4$};
  \node (B_1) at (69bp,90bp) [n] {$B_1$};
  \node (B_2) at (147bp,90bp) [n] {$B_2$};
  \node (B_3) at (225bp,90bp) [n] {$B_3$};
  \draw [->] (B_1) -- (C_1);
  \draw [->] (B_3) -- (C_4);
  \draw [->] (B_3) -- (C_3);
  \draw [->] (B_1) -- (C_2);
  \draw [->] (A_1) -- (B_1);
  \draw [->] (A_1) -- (B_3);
  \draw [->] (A_1) -- (B_2);
  \draw [->] (B_2) -- (C_2);
  \draw [->] (B_2) -- (C_3);


