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\bibitem{dolgov2003can} Dolgov, Alexander D. {\em Can modified gravity explain accelerated cosmic expansion?} 2003: Physical Review D 68 123512.

\bibitem{nojiri2003modified} Nojiri, Shin’ichi and Odintsov, Sergei D {\em Modified gravity with negative and positive powers of curvature: Unification of inflation and cosmic acceleration} 2003: Physics Letters B 573 1-4.

\bibitem{carroll2003cosmic} Carroll, Sean M and Duvvuri, Vikram and Trodden, Mark and Turner, Michael S {\em Is cosmic speed-up due to new gravitational physics?} 2003

\bibitem{thorne2000gravitation} Wheeler, Thorne, Wheeler {\em Gravitation} 2003:  636–679

\bibitem{song2007large} Song, Yong-Seon and Hu, Wayne and Sawicki, Ignacy {\em Large scale structure of $f(R)$ gravity} 2007: Physical Review D 044004

\bibitem{faulkner2007constraining} Faulkner, Thomas and Tegmark, Max and Bunn, Emory F and Mao, Yi {\em Constraining $f(R)$ gravity as a scalar-tensor theory} 2007: Physical Review D 063505

\bibitem{bean2007dynamics} Bean, Rachel and Bernat, David and Pogosian, Levon and Silvestri, Alessandra and Trodden, Mark {\em Dynamics of linear perturbations in $f(R)$ gravity} 2007: Physical Review D 064020

\bibitem{sawicki2007stability} Sawicki, Ignacy and Hu, Wayne {\em Stability of cosmological solutions in $f(R)$ models of gravity} 2007: Physical Review D 127502

\bibitem{li2007cosmology} Li, Baojiu and Barrow, John D {\em Cosmology of $f(R)$ gravity in the metric variational approach} 2007: Physical Review D 084010

\bibitem{tsujikawa2008effect} Tsujikawa, Shinji and Tatekawa, Takayuki {\em The effect of modified gravity on weak lensing} 2008: Physical Review B 325--331

\bibitem{carroll2005cosmology} Carroll, Sean M and De Felice, Antonio and Duvvuri, Vikram and Easson, Damien A and Trodden, Mark and Turner, Michael S {\em Cosmology of generalized modified gravity models} 2005: Physical Review D 063513

\bibitem{starobinsky2007disappearing} Starobinsky, Alexei A {\em Disappearing cosmological constant in $f(R)$ gravity} 2007: JETP Letters 157--163

\bibitem{saaidi2012strong} Saaidi, Kh and Vajdi, A and Rabiei, SW and Aghamohammadi, A and Sheikhahmadi, H {\em Strong and weak gravitational field in $R+{\mu^{4}}/R$ gravity} 2012: Astrophysics and Space Science 739--745

\bibitem{arbuzova2012curvature} Arbuzova, EV and Dolgov, AD and Reverberi, L {\em Curvature oscillations in modified gravity and high energy cosmic rays} 2012: Eur. Phys. J. C 2247

\bibitem{cognola2008class} Cognola, G and Elizalde, E and Nojiri, S and Odintsov, SD and Sebastiani, L and Zerbini, S {\em Class of viable modified f (R) gravities describing inflation and the onset of accelerated expansion} 2008: Physical Review D 046009

\bibitem{gannouji2009growth} Gannouji, Radouane and Moraes, Bruno and Polarski, David {\em The growth of matter perturbations in $f(R)$ models} 2009: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 034

\bibitem{bengochea2009dark} Bengochea, Gabriel R and Ferraro, Rafael {\em Dark torsion as the cosmic speed-up} 2009: Physical Review D 124019




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      author  = Arbuzova, EV and Dolgov, AD and Reverberi, L,
      title   = Curvature oscillations in modified gravity and high energy cosmic rays,
      year    = 2012,
      journal = Eur.\ Phys.\ J.\ C,
      pages   = 2247
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