Windows 电子表格 - Latex 导出

Windows 电子表格 - Latex 导出

我正在尝试寻找一个可以在 Windows 上使用的电子表格,该电子表格带有将图表导出到 LaTeX 的选项。如果能直接从 Excel 导出就好了,但我读到这是不可能的,而且我找不到可以在 Windows 上使用的带有 LaTeX 导出选项的电子表格,有吗?或者除了将简单的图像放入 TeX 文档之外,还有其他方法可以解决我的问题吗?






以下是将 Excel 移至 LaTeX 的示例。首先使用复制和粘贴,然后使用 R。使用 tikzDevice 和 knitr 构建完成图形的方法在 Adam Liter 的出色回答中有所展示使用 tikzDevice 进行良好布局的最佳实践

我已经实现了一个非常简单的演示,使用 Excel 电子表格中的数据创建使用当前 LaTeX 字体的图形。这是使用 R 输入 Excel 数据并使用 tikzDevice 控制字体完成的。

\textbf{Using data contained in an Excel spreadsheet to create data tables and graphics in \LaTeX{} generated PDF}
An Excel spreadsheet has been saved as \textbf{dataandgraph.xlsx}.  Now to get the data and the graphics into a PDF using \LaTeX{}.
\section{Copy and Paste Methods}
This approach is only useful for one-time graphics inclusions into \LaTeX.  And you are very, very sure that there will be no editing or changes of the graphics.  (This is rarely true for Excel graphics.)
\subsection{Copy graphic, paste to PowerPoint, Save as *.png}
This is quick and fairly easy to do.  It is expecially useful if your workflow requires \LaTeX{} for the paper and PowerPoint for the presentations.

\subsection{Copy Data Table, paste to PowerPoint, Save as *.png}
This is quick and fairly easy to do.  It is expecially useful if your workflow requires \LaTeX{} for the paper, Excel for data collection, and PowerPoint for the presentations.


\section{Using the \textbf{R package xlsx} to read the \textit{*.xlsx} file and Knitr to move to \LaTeX{}}
\verb+ \\

Note: there is also a package \textbf{openxlsx}  which offers more control on writing and reading of xlsx files from R.
\subsection{Using R to move the data table to \LaTeX{}}
This requires that the computer has R installed with the needed R packages.  And that the user knows how to integrate the knitr and \LaTeX{} compile process.  \verb+ 
tt<- data.frame(read.xlsx('dataandgraph.xlsx',1))
Using the Excel data to plot a graph. 
\subsection{Now using the current \LaTeX{} font for the table}
Now the data output can be made to use \LaTeX{} fonts by xtable.  Note: In the R-chunk all code output has been turned off. 

tt<- data.frame(read.xlsx('dataandgraph.xlsx',1))
\subsection{Now using the current \LaTeX{} font for the graphics}

First a demo using a dataset built in to R and the packages ggplot2 and tikzDevice.

qplot(displ, hwy, data = mpg, colour = factor(cyl)) 

Now a plot from the data read in from the Excel spreadsheet. Note: the command \textit{library(tikzDevice)} only needs to be used once in a given *.Rnw file. 
boxplot(tt$b~tt$number, col=rainbow(4),main="Using \\LaTeX{} Fonts") 


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
