
% Chapter 1
\chapter{Task-A} % Main chapter title
\label{Chapter1} % For referencing the chapter elsewhere, use \ref{Chapter1} 
\lhead{Chapter 1. \emph{Task-A}} % This is for the header on each page - perhaps a shortened title
\section{Task description}

The aim of this task is to implement a new Python class for a combined profile. The class to calculate the section values for the combined profile should be implemented with reference to AoS lectures' description \cite{Ref1}. 

Here, the combined profile is a linked group of standard profiles given in the standard table book of European profiles\footnotemark. So every part of the combined profile comes with it’s set of parameter (like h=height, w=width, t=thickness and so on). Our combined profile therefor is the aggregation of all this profile parameters. 

The aim is to compare the result of the thin walled approximation with the exact values of the profile’s area and moment of inertia. To do this, the exact values should be calculated in a testable form using the exact values of the single profiles from the table book.
The results should be discussed and evaluated. 
\\\vspace{2.5 cm}\footnotetext{Warmgewalzter rundkantiger U-Stahl, DIN 1026 (10.63) and DIN EN 10025 - s.458}

<code>main</code> 执行文件输出文件






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