在 TikZ 中格式化思维导图

在 TikZ 中格式化思维导图

我想知道是否有人可以帮助我格式化下面给出的思维导图,以便所有内容统一,并根据节点中的子节点数量设置角度?此外,我尝试缩放 TiZ 图片但仍然未能将其全部纳入边缘内。

    \tikzset{level 1/.append style={sibling angle=50,level distance = 135mm}}
    \tikzset{level 2/.append style={sibling angle=20,level distance = 25mm}}
    \tikzset{every node/.append style={scale=0.5}}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[ mindmap, every node/.style=concept, concept color=teal!40,grow cyclic,]

    \node[concept] {Malnutrition}
    child [concept color=purple!40]{    node    {Health Facility}
            child { node    {Inadequate ANC Care} }
            child { node    {Long Distance of Health Care Facility} }
            child { node    {Insufficient Health Service} }
            child { node    {Incomplete Immunization} }
    child [concept color=pink!40]{ node     {Morbidity}
            child { node    {Intestinal Diseases} }
            child { node    {Congenital Anomalies} }
    child [concept color=green!40]{ node    {Maternal Health}
            child { node {Maternal malnutrition} }
            child { node {Higher Birth order} }
            child { node {Short birth interval} }
            child { node {Adolescent mother} }
    child [concept color=red!40]{ node  {Cultural Factors}
            child { node {Adverse cultural practice} }
            child { node {Traditional beliefs} }
            child { node {Early marriage} }
            child { node {Inadequate child care} }
            child { node {Feeding practices} } 
    child [concept color=blue!40]{ node     {Socio-demographic Factors}
            child { node {Caste (ST/SC)} }
            child { node {Illiteracy} }
            child { node {Lack of Awareness about Nutrition} }
            child { node {Occupation} }
            child { node {Low Socio-Economic Status} } 
            child { node {Inadequate access to food} }    
    child [concept color=yellow!40]{ node   {Biological Factors}[clockwise from=45, level distance=8cm]
            child { node {Female} }
            child { node {Low Birth Weight} }
            child { node {Age of the Child} }
    child [concept color=violet!40]{ node {Environmental Factors}
            child { node {Poor Unsafe Drinking Water} }
            child { node {Poor Personal Hygiene} }
            child { node {Poor Sanitation} }
            child { node {Open Field Defecation} }






无论如何,这里 - 无论它有价值 - 是我尝试手动将地图挤压到它不想去的地方......



      grow cyclic,
      every node/.style=concept,
      concept color=teal!40,
      level 1/.append style={sibling angle=360/7},
      level 2/.append style={sibling angle=37.5},
      \node [root concept] {Malnutrition}
        child [concept color=purple!40]{
          node    {Health Facility}
          child { node    {Inadequate ANC Care} }
          child { node    {Long Distance of Health Care Facility} }
          child { node    {Insufficient Health Service} }
          child { node    {Incomplete Immunization} }
        child [concept color=pink!40, rotate=-10]{
          node     {Morbidity}
          child { node    {Intestinal Diseases} }
          child { node    {Congenital Anomalies} }
        child [concept color=green!40, rotate=-20]{
          node  {Maternal Health}
          child { node {Maternal malnutrition} }
          child { node {Higher Birth order} }
          child { node {Short birth interval} }
          child { node {Adolescent mother} }
        child [concept color=red!40, rotate=-10]{
          node  {Cultural Factors}[counterclockwise from=-115]
          child  { node {Adverse cultural practice} }
          child { node {Traditional beliefs} }
          child { node {Early marriage} }
          child { node {Inadequate child care} }
          child { node {Feeding practices} }
        child [concept color=blue!40, rotate=-7.5]{
          node     {Socio-demographic Factors}
          child { node {Caste (ST/SC)} }
          child { node {Illiteracy} }
          child { node {Lack of Awareness about Nutrition} }
          child { node {Occupation} }
          child { node {Low Socio-Economic Status} }
          child { node {Inadequate access to food} }
        child [concept color=yellow!40, rotate=-5]{
          node   {Biological Factors}%[clockwise from=45, level distance=8cm]
          child { node {Female} }
          child { node {Low Birth Weight} }
          child { node {Age of the Child} }
        child [concept color=violet!40, rotate=-5] {
          node {Environmental Factors}
          child { node {Poor Unsafe Drinking Water} }
          child { node {Poor Personal Hygiene} }
          child { node {Poor Sanitation} }
          child { node {Open Field Defecation} }
