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\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{How to Prevent an Item from Splitting Across Two Pages?}}
\vskip 35pt
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item Enough.
我的实际文档有数百个项目,分布在数百页以上,如果可能的话,我会喜欢 Latex (Pdflatex) 来防止项目被分成两页。 (我希望尝试处理这可能导致的以后增加的空白。)
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\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{How to Prevent an Item from Splitting Across Two Pages?}}
\setlength\itemsep{1em plus 1fil}
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.
\item Enough.
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\parbox[t]{\dimexpr \textwidth-\labelwidth-\labelsep}{#1}\par}
\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{How to Prevent an Item from Splitting Across Two Pages?}}
\vskip 35pt
\item \parbox[t]{\linewidth}{I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.}
\item \parbox[t]{\linewidth}{I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.}
\myitem{I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum. I would rather specify no more than a few sentences from Lorem Ipsum.}