



%%%%%% The TABLE OF CONTENTS and friends
%%% \@dottedtocline would be level (indentation), [width one]
%%% label, [width two]
%%% number, ... forming hbox to the left, [width three]
%%% title, and leaders forming vbox in the middle, [width four]
%%% page number, forming hbox to the right [width 5]
%%% it is decidedly simpler to accept \@dottedtocline as given,
%%% and instead add \hspace*'s in title to force proper alignment

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.tex 文件如下:


\def\linespacingfactor{2} % use 1 for single and 2 for double line spacing
\def\parindentvalue{1cm} % indentation value

\usepackage[noframe]{showframe} % remove "noframe" option to show the page frames
\usepackage{indentfirst}   % indent all sections
\usepackage{rotating}  % to rotate tables
\usepackage[absolute]{textpos}  % output text to absolute position (page numbers on landscape pages)
\usepackage{setspace}           % figures and tables caption line spacing

\allowdisplaybreaks % to allow equations in align brake across pages


%% Begin the document itself

\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{\linespacingfactor} %

%% Insert a table of contents
%% Insert a table of tables -- comes before figures in the format.
%%Insert a table of figures

%% begin the body of the dissertation


\caption{The experiment result \label{table_old3}} \centering
\hline \textbf{Case} & \textbf{Forecasting Var.}
\\ \hline
1 & 2\\
3 & 4 \\ \hline

%% End of dissertation

