为什么 \cite 可以工作,但 \citep 和 \ref 却不工作?

为什么 \cite 可以工作,但 \citep 和 \ref 却不工作?

我正在使用一个可以正常工作的 Makefile,它如下所示:

# partly autogenerated, that's why it's so ugly!

# say 'make V=1' to see the full build output
ifndef V
Q = @
Q_LATEX = sh -c 'echo -e "   " `echo $$(basename "$$0") | tr a-z A-Z`"\t$${!\#/..\/..\//}"; ! "$$0" "$$@" | grep -A5 -E "^[^ ]+:[0-9]+:"'
Q_OTHER = sh -c 'echo -e "   " `echo $$(basename "$$0") | tr a-z A-Z`"\t$${!\#/..\/..\//}"; "$$0" "$$@" >/dev/null'

LATEX = latex
PDFLATEX = pdflatex
BIBTEX = bibtex
DVIPS = dvips
DVIPDF = dvipdf
PDFTOEPS = pdftops -eps
PDFTOPS = pdf2ps
EPSTOPDF = epstopdf
FIGTODEV = fig2dev
MPOST = mpost

.PHONY: all clean archive

all:  thesis

texfiles = $(wildcard *.tex)

.PHONY: thesis
thesis: thesis.pdf thesis.ps

thesis.pdf: $(texfiles) thesis.bbl
    $(Q) rm -rf build/pdf/; mkdir -p build/pdf/
    $(Q) cd build/pdf/ && TEXINPUTS="../../:$$TEXINPUTS" $(Q_LATEX) $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error ../../thesis.tex
    $(Q) cd build/pdf/ && TEXINPUTS="../../:$$TEXINPUTS" $(Q_LATEX) $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error ../../thesis.tex
    $(Q) ln -f build/pdf/thesis.pdf thesis.pdf

thesis.dvi: $(texfiles) thesis.bbl
    $(Q) rm -rf build/dvi/; mkdir -p build/dvi/
    $(Q) cd build/dvi/ && TEXINPUTS="../../:$$TEXINPUTS" $(Q_LATEX) $(LATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error ../../thesis.tex
    $(Q) cd build/dvi/ && TEXINPUTS="../../:$$TEXINPUTS" $(Q_LATEX) $(LATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error ../../thesis.tex
    $(Q) ln -f build/dvi/thesis.dvi thesis.dvi

thesis.ps: thesis.dvi
    $(Q)$(Q_OTHER) $(DVIPS) -q thesis

thesis.aux: $(texfiles)
    $(Q) $(Q_LATEX) $(LATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error thesis.tex

thesis.bbl: thesis.aux
$(Q)$(Q_OTHER) $(BIBTEX) thesis

    rm -rf build/
    rm -f *.aux
    rm -f thesis.dvi thesis.idx thesis.ind thesis.ilg thesis.out thesis.toc thesis.pdf thesis.log thesis.bbl

archive: thesis-template.zip

thesis-template.zip: *.tex Makefile ETHlogo.* refs.bib
    mkdir -p thesis
    cp `git ls-files "*.tex" Makefile "ETHlogo.*" refs.bib` thesis/
    perl -i -pe 's/\$$VERSION\$$/'"$$(git describe)/" thesis/*.tex
    rm -f thesis-template.zip
    zip -r thesis-template.zip thesis/


\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]







   author = {Feller, William},
   title = {An introduction to probability theory and its applications},
   publisher = {Wiley},
   address = {New York,},
   series = {Wiley mathematical statistics series},
   note = {50008529
diagrs. 24 cm.
Vol. 2 has series: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics.
Bibliographical footnotes. "Some books on cagnate subjects": v. 2, p. 615-616.},
   keywords = {Probabilities.},
   year = {1950},
   type = {Book}

如果我尝试使用BibTex ,即使手动删除所有文件后也\ref{label}不会创建更新的文件。.bbl

使用\citep{label}BibTex 创建.bbl,我得到??作为我的文档中的参考。

如果我使用\cite{label}BibTex 创建文件.bbl并且我在我的参考书目中得到参考文献,但我在我的文档中看不到参考文献。

