- 环境
包被使用。 - 命令
已使用。 - 这
Lipsum 证明了\textwidth
表 1 和表 2 证明了\caption
表 3 和表 4 证明了\caption
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Yes & caption &
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Text F & Text G & Text H \\ \hline
%\addtolength{\textwidth}{2\hShift} % [suggestion from another thread. was not the solution.]
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\textbf{Column F} & \textbf{Column G} & \textbf{Column H} \\ \hline
Yes & captionof &
Text C & Text D & Text E &
Text F & Text G & Text H \\ \hline
无需 即可将表格(或图像)居中adjustwidth
\usepackage{geometry} % margin/page layout settings
\usepackage{scrlayer-scrpage} % improved header commands. [supercedes `fancyhdr' package].
%\usepackage{changepage} % allows adjustwidth, for figures larger than the margins.
\usepackage{float} % improves floating objects (graphics/tables).
\usepackage{caption} % required for package{subcaption}.
%\usepackage{subcaption} % allow captions with the subcaption command.
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%%Set margin increase.
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No & caption &
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Text F & Text G & Text H \\ \hline
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\textbf{Column F} & \textbf{Column G} & \textbf{Column H} \\ \hline
No & captionof &
Text C & Text D & Text E &
Text F & Text G & Text H \\ \hline
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\textbf{Column F} & \textbf{Column G} & \textbf{Column H} \\ \hline
Yes & caption &
Text C & Text D & Text E &
Text F & Text G & Text H \\ \hline
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\textbf{Adjustmargin} & \textbf{Caption} &
\textbf{Column C} & \textbf{Column D} & \textbf{Column E} &
\textbf{Column F} & \textbf{Column G} & \textbf{Column H} \\ \hline
Yes & captionof &
Text C & Text D & Text E &
Text F & Text G & Text H \\ \hline