latex - pdf文件中的叠加图形

latex - pdf文件中的叠加图形

图形叠加在由 dvi 文件创建的 pdf 文档中的文本上。

不能在由同一 dvi 文件创建的 ps 文档中叠加。

\scalebox{0.9}{\includegraphics{pbar.eps}} \caption{Illustration of nonequilibrium hyperplane probabilities for the single particle decay problem; $N_{Max}=5$.  Time is made dimensionless here through a characteristic time constant $t_0$.}


\documentstyle[12pt, graphics]{article}
\textheight 10.2in \topmargin -0.8in \textwidth 6.7in \oddsidemargin
-0.2in \evensidemargin -0.1in
\parskip 0.20in

我可以使用 ps 到 pdf 来修复这个问题,但这会以某种方式消除我的顶部边距,因此不是一个可接受的修复方法。




\documentclass[12pt]{article}% LaTeX2e uses \documentclass
\usepackage{graphicx}% for \includegraphics
\usepackage{setspace}% for double spacing
\usepackage[textheight=10.2in, textwidth=6.7in, inner=0.8in, top=.2in]{geometry}% for page layout (check for equivalence - can't test with a fragment of code only)
\setlength\parskip{0.20in}% consider using package parskip if you want no paragraph indent either; otherwise, maybe use package parskip and then set parindent to override its setting it to 0
\doublespacing% double-spacing
\includegraphics[scale=0.9]{pbar}% better not to include the extension; \includegraphics has a scale key so no need for an additional command
\caption{Illustration of nonequilibrium hyperplane probabilities for the single particle decay problem; $N_{Max}=5$.  Time is made dimensionless here through a characteristic time constant $t_0$.}
