阅读关于TeX 之前的数学排版历史, 我发现伊凡·尼文 (Ivan Niven) 的一篇有趣文章标题为:“π 无理数的简单证明”,可追溯到 1946 年,当时还没有 TeX(可能没有电脑一点儿也不。排版很棒,我想知道这是 1946 年最初排版的论文,还是新翻版的?
我用纯 TeX 和 LaTeX 重制了这篇文章,纯 TeX 输出和原文之间的相似之处令人震惊!我迫切想知道原始文档的字体和排版与本文的纯 TeX 重制输出之间的相似之处。请自己比较一下这两个:
图 3:原始文件
图 4:使用纯 TeX 重新制作
美国数学学会公报(Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.),第 53 卷,第 6 期(1947 年),第 509 页,并于 2007 年 7 月 4 日在欧几里得计划中首次发布。在欧几里得项目上的 BAMS 专用页面我们读:
在戈登和贝蒂摩尔基金会、数学科学研究所和美国数学学会的慷慨支持下,美国数学学会通讯 (1891-1991) 的后期文件得以数字化并不受限制地提供。
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\centerline{\bigrm\bf A SIMPLE PROOF THAT $\pi$ IS IRRATIONAL}
\centerline{\smallbf IVAN NIVEN}
Let $\pi = a/b$, the quotient of positive integers. We define the
$$\displayindent=0.3in\displaywidth=1.3in f(x)={x^n(a-bx)^n \over n!},$$
$$\displayindent=0.3in\displaywidth=3.3in F(x) = f(x) - f^{(2)}(x)+f^{(4)}(x)-\ldots+(-1)^nf^{(2n)}(x),$$
the positive integer $n$ being specified later. Since $n!f(x)$ has integral
coefficients and terms in $x$ of degree not less than $n$, $f(x)$ and its
derivatives $f^{(j)}(x)$ have integral values for $x=0$; also for $x=\pi=a/b$,
since $f(x)=f(a/b-x)$. By elementary calculus we have
$$\displayindent=0.01in\displaywidth=4.0in{d \over dx}\{F'(x) \sin x - F(x) \cos x\} = F''(x) \sin x + F(x) \sin x = f(x) \sin x$$
\noindent and
$$\int^\pi_0 f(x) \sin xdx = [F'(x) \sin x - F(x) \cos x]^\pi_0 = F(\pi) + F(0).\leqno(1)$$
Now $F(\pi)+F(0)$ is an {\it integer}, since $f^{(j)}(\pi)$ and $f^{(j)}(0)$ are integers. But
for $0<x<\pi$,
$$0 < f(x) \sin x < {\pi^n a^n \over n!},$$
so that the integral in (1) is {\it positive}, {\it but arbitrarily small} for $n$
sufficiently large. Thus (1) is false, and so is our assumption that $\pi$ is
{\footsc Purdue University}
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{\footrm Received by the editors November 26, 1946, and, in revised form, December 20, 1946.}