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\title{Structure of Book}
\begin{forest} for tree={anchor=base west,
growth parent anchor=east,
parent anchor=east,
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align=left, no edge
[Nonlinear\\Stochastic\\Systems, root
[{Applications to NCSs, CNs\\ GRNs}, no edge, inner ysep=0pt, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=() (!n) (!nn) (!nnn), inner sep=1pt] {};},name=bottom]
[\textbf{Chapter 8} CNs, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 7} NCSs, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 5} GRNs, tnode]
[{Analysis and Synthesis for \\ Systems with \\ Incomplete Information}, inner ysep=0pt, no edge, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=() (!n) (!nn) (!nnn)(!nnnn), inner sep=1pt] {};},name=middle]
[\textbf{Chapter 11} RVOs, tnode]
[{\textbf{Chapter 9} RONs},tnode]
[{\textbf{Chapter 10} MMs},tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 6} {MMs, SNs}, tnode]
[{Analysis and Synthesis for\\ Systems with General \\Engineering Phenomenon}, inner ysep=0pt, no edge, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=()(!n) (!nn) (!nnn)(!nnnn), inner sep=1pt] {};}]
[\textbf{Chapter 12} {TDs, GNs},tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 4} {TDs, MJ, SNs}, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 3} {TDs, MJ, NDs}, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 2} {TDs, NDs}, tnode ,name=top]
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% arara: pdflatex
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[Nonlinear\\Stochastic\\Systems, root, calign=last, yshift=.15cm
[{Applications to NCSs, CNs\\ GRNs}, inner ysep=0pt, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=() (!n) (!nn) (!nnn), inner sep=1pt] {};},name=bottom]
[\textbf{Chapter 8} CNs, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 7} NCSs, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 5} GRNs, tnode]
[{Analysis and Synthesis for \\ Systems with \\ Incomplete Information}, inner ysep=0pt, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=() (!n) (!nn) (!nnn)(!nnnn), inner sep=1pt] {};},name=middle]
[\textbf{Chapter 11} RVOs, tnode]
[{\textbf{Chapter 9} RONs},tnode]
[{\textbf{Chapter 10} MMs},tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 6} {MMs, SNs}, tnode]
[{Analysis and Synthesis for\\ Systems with General \\Engineering Phenomenon}, inner ysep=0pt, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=()(!n) (!nn) (!nnn)(!nnnn), inner sep=1pt] {};}]
[\textbf{Chapter 12} {TDs, GNs},tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 4} {TDs, MJ, SNs}, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 3} {TDs, MJ, NDs}, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 2} {TDs, NDs}, tnode ,name=top]
\node [draw, black!40, inner sep=.4em, fit={(top)(middle)(bottom)} ] {};
\begin{forest} for tree={%
,anchor=base west
,no edge
[{Applications to NCSs, CNs\\ GRNs}, inner ysep=0pt, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=() (!n) (!nn) (!nnn), inner sep=1pt] {};},name=bottom]
[\textbf{Chapter 8} CNs, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 7} NCSs, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 5} GRNs, tnode]
[{Analysis and Synthesis for \\ Systems with \\ Incomplete Information}, inner ysep=0pt, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=() (!n) (!nn) (!nnn)(!nnnn), inner sep=1pt] {};},name=middle]
[\textbf{Chapter 11} RVOs, tnode]
[{\textbf{Chapter 9} RONs},tnode]
[{\textbf{Chapter 10} MMs},tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 6} {MMs, SNs}, tnode]
[{Analysis and Synthesis for\\ Systems with General \\Engineering Phenomenon}, inner ysep=0pt, tikz={\node [draw, blue, fit=()(!n) (!nn) (!nnn)(!nnnn), inner sep=1pt] {};}]
[\textbf{Chapter 12} {TDs, GNs},tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 4} {TDs, MJ, SNs}, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 3} {TDs, MJ, NDs}, tnode]
[\textbf{Chapter 2} {TDs, NDs}, tnode ,name=top]
[Nonlinear\\Stochastic\\Systems, root, yshift=2cm, xshift=1cm] % shifting is optional here
\node [draw, black!40, inner sep=.4em, fit={(top)(middle)(bottom)} ] {};
版本 1.09(或可能更高版本)。
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\title{Structure of Book}
for tree={
no edge,
child anchor=north west,
inner sep=1pt,
if level=0{
parent anchor=south,
l sep+=5mm,
calign=child edge,
parent anchor=south west,
[Nonlinear\\Stochastic\\Systems, root
[\textbf{Chapter 2} {TDs, NDs}, tnode
[\textbf{Chapter 3} {TDs, MJ, NDs}, tnode, name=widest
[\textbf{Chapter 4} {TDs, MJ, SNs}, tnode
[\textbf{Chapter 12} {TDs, GNs},tnode
[{Analysis and Synthesis for\\ Systems with General \\Engineering Phenomenon}, fitting={() (!u) (!uu) (!uuu)(!uuuu)}{f1}
[\textbf{Chapter 6} {MMs, SNs}, tnode
[{\textbf{Chapter 9} RONs},tnode
[{\textbf{Chapter 10} MMs},tnode
[\textbf{Chapter 11} RVOs, tnode
[{Analysis and Synthesis\\for Systems with\\Incomplete Information}, fitting={(!u) () ( -| widest.east) (!uu) (!uuuu) (!uuu)}{f2}
[\textbf{Chapter 5} GRNs, tnode
[\textbf{Chapter 7} NCSs, tnode
[\textbf{Chapter 8} CNs, tnode
[{Applications to\\NCSs, CNs, GRNs}, fitting={(!uuu) () (!u) (!uu) ( -| widest.east)}{f3}, fitting={(f1) (f2) (f3)}{f4}