

我正在使用代码是否在带有 titletoc 的图表列表中包含章节?将章节包含在 LOF 中。问题是有些章节可能最多只有一张图,但没有标题。如何忽略这些章节?代码如下:

\usepackage{etoolbox}  % or xpatch

% initial definitions of the chapter info (name and number)


% the figure environment does the job: the first time it is used after a \chapter command, 
% it writes the information of the chapter to the LoF
      \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\contentsline {chapter}%
        {\protect\numberline {\thischapternumber} {\thischaptertitle}}{}{} }





\chapter{Introduction with no Figures}

\chapter{Test Chapter with Figures}
\caption{caption text}
\caption{caption text}

\chapter{Test Chapter with ‎only ‎one‎ Figure and no caption}

\chapter{Another Test Chapter with Figures}
\caption{caption text}
\caption{caption text}
\caption{caption text}
\caption{caption text}
\caption{caption text}





并且刚刚添加了一个条件,如果figure计数器大于零,\caption则已使用 a(最有可能)。显然,这需要每章重置图形计数器,这在标准类中是正确的(除非未使用或chngcntr更改\@remfromreset

请注意,没有图表或有图表但没有标题的章节不会添加到 LoF!




% initial definitions of the part info (name and number)


  \xdef\thisparttitle{#1}%    Evaluate the parameter #1
}{\typeout{Patch success}}{\typeout{Patch failure}}

  \xdef\thischaptertitle{#1}%  Evaluate the parameter #1
}{\typeout{Patch success}}{\typeout{Patch failure}}







\part{The first}

\chapter{Introduction with no Figures}

\chapter{Test Chapter with Figures}
    \caption{caption text Number one}
    \caption{caption text Number two}

\chapter{A chapter with figure, but no caption}
% One without figure

\chapter{Test Chapter with no Figures}

\part{The second}

\chapter{Look no figures here either}

\chapter{Another Test Chapter with Figures}
    \caption{caption text from chapter \thechapter}

    \caption{caption text from chapter \thechapter}
    \caption{caption text from chapter \thechapter}
    \caption{caption text from chapter \thechapter}
    \caption{caption text from chapter \thechapter}
    \caption{caption text from chapter \thechapter}
    \caption{caption text from chapter \thechapter}

% No caption

\chapter{Another in the same part}
        \caption{caption text}
        \caption{caption text}
        \caption{caption text}
        \caption{caption text}

\part{Without figs}

\chapter{A chapter with a table}

\caption{Some table}


