无法添加 bibtex 引用

无法添加 bibtex 引用



我还想引用这篇论文: 一篇论文

例如,我从该网站复制了 bibtex,并将其复制到参考书目部分,因此我有:在此处输入图片描述





H.~Kopka and P.~W. Daly, \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX}, 3rd~ed.\hskip 1em plus
  0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley, 1999.


(顺便说一下,空行对于 LaTeX 能够正确编译此部分至关重要。)其次,您在网上找到了以下 BibTeX 格式的条目:

 author = {Kwak, Haewoon and Lee, Changhyun and Park, Hosung and Moon, Sue},
 title = {What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media?},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web},
 series = {WWW '10},
 year = {2010},
 isbn = {978-1-60558-799-8},
 location = {Raleigh, North Carolina, USA},
 pages = {591--600},
 numpages = {10},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1772690.1772751},
 doi = {10.1145/1772690.1772751},
 acmid = {1772751},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {Twitter, degree of separation, homophily, influential, information diffusion, online social network, pagerank, reciprocity, retweet},


假设您不需要参考 Kopka 和 Daly 的书,并且进一步假设您不想手动格式化 Kwak 等人的作品,那么您需要执行以下操作:

  • thebibliography用一条语句替换整个现有环境:

  • myreferences.bib创建一个名为(扩展名必不可少)的新文件bib,并将上面显示的 BibTeX 格式的条目放入该文件中。所有其他 bibtex 样式的条目也应放在此文件中。将 bib 文件保存在主 tex 文件所在的目录中。

  • 返回主 tex 文件,确保\cite{Kwak:2010:TSN:1772690.1772751}在适当的位置有一个或多个指令。注意字符串“ Kwak:2010:TSN:1772690.1772751”——它是您放置在文件中的条目的第一个字符串references.bib。该字符串称为相应条目的“键”。

  • 再运行 LaTeX、BibTeX 和 LaTeX 两次。




 author = {Kwak, Haewoon and Lee, Changhyun and Park, Hosung and Moon, Sue},
 title = {What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media?},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web},
 series = {WWW '10},
 year = {2010},
 isbn = {978-1-60558-799-8},
 location = {Raleigh, North Carolina, USA},
 pages = {591--600},
 numpages = {10},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1772690.1772751},
 doi = {10.1145/1772690.1772751},
 acmid = {1772751},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {Twitter, degree of separation, homophily, influential, information diffusion, online social network, pagerank, reciprocity, retweet},

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