Titlesec 在 ToC 中展示

Titlesec 在 ToC 中展示



\titleformat{\chapter}% command to format the chapter titles
[hang]% shape/type of title
{\LARGE\bfseries}% formatting commands applied to both label and title
{\makebox[0.5in][l]{\thechapter}}% chapter number; here set inside an invisible box with a constant width
{0em}% separation between number and chapter title; we've already covered this with the box
{}% additional formatting command for title itself not applied to number
[% everything inside [...] below comes after the title
\normalsize\normalfont% reset font formatting
\vspace{0.5\baselineskip}% add a half-space of vertical space before author
\hspace*{0.5in}% indent author name width of chapter number box 
\begin{tabular}{rl} %
    Author: & \kern-0.5em\chapterauthor \\
    Translator: & \kern-0.5em\chaptertranslator\\
]% end of what comes after title
\titlespacing*{\chapter}% spacing commands for chapter titles; the star unindents first line afterwards
{0em}% spacing to left of chapter title
{0ex}% vertical space before title 
{3\baselineskip}% vertical spacing after title; here set to 3 lines 
\renewcommand{\chapterauthor}{Alphonse Lamartine}

\chapter{New chapter}
Here it is. 
\renewcommand{\chapterauthor}{Heinrich Böll}
\renewcommand{\chaptertranslator}{Llöb Chirnieh}
\chapter{Another chapter}
Here again.



\renewcommand{\chapterauthor}{Heinrich Böll}
\renewcommand{\chaptertranslator}{Llöb Chirnieh}







\titleformat{\chapter}% command to format the chapter titles
[hang]% shape/type of title
{\LARGE\bfseries}% formatting commands applied to both label and title
{\makebox[0.5in][l]{\thechapter}}% chapter number; here set inside an invisible box with a constant width
{0em}% separation between number and chapter title; we've already covered this with the box
{}% additional formatting command for title itself not applied to number
[% everything inside [...] below comes after the title
\normalsize\normalfont% reset font formatting
\vspace{0.5\baselineskip}% add a half-space of vertical space before author
\hspace*{0.5in}% indent author name width of chapter number box 
\begin{tabular}{rl} %
    Author: & \kern-0.5em\chapterauthor \\
    Translator: & \kern-0.5em\chaptertranslator\\
]% end of what comes after title
\titlespacing*{\chapter}% spacing commands for chapter titles; the star unindents first line afterwards
{0em}% spacing to left of chapter title
{0ex}% vertical space before title 
{3\baselineskip}% vertical spacing after title; here set to 3 lines 
\renewcommand{\chapterauthor}{Alphonse Lamartine}
\chapter{New chapter}
Here it is.
%\renewcommand{\chapterauthor}{Heinrich Böll}
%\renewcommand{\chaptertranslator}{Llöb Chirnieh}
\chapter{Another chapter}
Here again.




\usepackage[showframe, nomarginpar]{geometry}


\titleformat{\chapter}% command to format the chapter titles
[hang]% shape/type of title
{\LARGE\bfseries}% formatting commands applied to both label and title
{\makebox[0.5in][l]{\thechapter}}% chapter number; here set inside an invisible box with a constant width
{0em}% separation between number and chapter title; we've already covered this with the box
{}% additional formatting command for title itself not applied to number
[% everything inside [...] below comes after the title
\normalsize\normalfont% reset font formatting
\vspace{0.5\baselineskip}% add a half-space of vertical space before author
\hspace*{0.5in}% indent author name width of chapter number box
\begin{tabular}{ll} %
    Author: & \kern-0.5em\chapterauthor \\
    Translator: & \kern-0.5em\chaptertranslator\\
]% end of what comes after title
\titlespacing*{\chapter}% spacing commands for chapter titles; the star unindents first line afterwards
{0em}% spacing to left of chapter title
{0ex}% vertical space before title
{3\baselineskip}% vertical spacing after title; here set to 3 lines
\renewcommand{\chapterauthor}{Alphonse de Lamartine}
\chapter{New chapter}
Here it is.
%\renewcommand{\chapterauthor}{Heinrich Böll}
%\renewcommand{\chaptertranslator}{Llöb Chirnieh}
\chapter{Another chapter}
Here again.


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