





% outline different types table
    Type & Example & Reference \\
    Habitat & Three tree-climbing species used different parts of trees & \textcite{LaraEtAl2015} \\
    Diet & Three species of dabbling ducks \textit{Anas} foraged on seeds of different size and mass & \textcite{BrochetEtAl2012} \\
    Temporal & Different species of \textit{Gyps} vulture visited carcasses at different times of day & \textcite{Kendall2014} \\
    Spatial & Different species of \textit{Sterna} tern foraged in different parts of the sea & \textcite{RobertsonEtAl2014} \\
    Acoustic & A large community of vocalising rainforest species partitioned the sound environment & \textcite{Luther2009} \\
  \caption[Types of niche partitioning]{Different types of niche partitioning with examples. Note that these types of niche partitioning are not mutually exclusive. For example, two species could partition habitat, which might be a consequence of partitioning diet.}.










\newcommand{\textcite}[1]{#1}% Just for this example

  Type & Example & Reference \\
  Habitat & Three tree-climbing species used different parts of trees & \textcite{LaraEtAl2015} \\
  Diet & Three species of dabbling ducks \textit{Anas} foraged on seeds of different size and mass & \textcite{BrochetEtAl2012} \\
  Temporal & Different species of \textit{Gyps} vulture visited carcasses at different times of day & \textcite{Kendall2014} \\
  Spatial & Different species of \textit{Sterna} tern foraged in different parts of the sea & \textcite{RobertsonEtAl2014} \\
  Acoustic & A large community of vocalising rainforest species partitioned the sound environment & \textcite{Luther2009} \\

