biblatex 条目中的逗号

biblatex 条目中的逗号


从答案到使用 biblatex 放置 Jr. 和 Sr.,我使用以下代码:

\renewbibmacro{name:last-first}[4]{% put name affixes like 'Jr.' after the name
    \ifblank{#3}{#1}{#3 #1}\addcomma\addspace
    \ifblank{#4}{}{\addcomma\addspace #4}\isdot

然后从答案当缺少名字时,在 biblatex 中缩写名称,我正在使用这个代码:

    \maps[datatype = bibtex]{
        \map{%% Make sure a field like [Adam John Smith] comes out as [Smith, Adam John]
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{\A\[(.+)\s+([^\s]+)\]\Z},
                replace = {[$2, $1]}]
        \map{%% Abbreviate an entry such as Adam J[ohn] Smith to Smith, Adam J.
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{(\w+)\[(.+?)\]},
                replace ={$1.}]
        \map{%% Abbreviate an entry such as [Adam John] Smith to Smith
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                notmatch = \regexp{\A\[(.+)\]\Z},
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{(\A|\,\s)\[(.+?)\]},
                replace = {$1}]

这两个代码片段不能完美地协同工作,因为第一个代码片段导致第二个代码片段在括号中的名字后保留或包含逗号,如[John] Lennon已被删除并替换为Lennon。在下面的 MWE 中,Lennon (1974)它打印的不是,而是Lennon, (1974)。如果您注释掉处理姓名词缀的代码Jr.,如,则会出现所需的输出Lennon (1974)。所以问题是,应该如何修改代码,以便它将姓名词缀放在我想要的位置,同时在我删除括号中的名字时不添加逗号?

\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp]{biblatex}
\renewbibmacro{name:last-first}[4]{% put name affixes like 'Jr.' after the name
    \ifblank{#3}{#1}{#3 #1}\addcomma\addspace
    \ifblank{#4}{}{\addcomma\addspace #4}\isdot
    \maps[datatype = bibtex]{
        \map{%% Make sure a field like [Adam John Smith] comes out as [Smith, Adam John]
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{\A\[(.+)\s+([^\s]+)\]\Z},
                replace = {[$2, $1]}]
        \map{%% Abbreviate an entry such as Adam J[ohn] Smith to Smith, Adam J.
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{(\w+)\[(.+?)\]},
                replace ={$1.}]
        \map{%% Abbreviate an entry such as [Adam John] Smith to Smith
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                notmatch = \regexp{\A\[(.+)\]\Z},
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{(\A|\,\s)\[(.+?)\]},
                replace = {$1}]

    AUTHOR = "J[ohn] Lennon",
    TITLE = "My life with the Beatles",
    YEAR = "1970",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "[John Lennon]",
    TITLE = "Moving on",
    YEAR = "1971",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "[J. John Lennon]",
    TITLE = "Moving further on",
    YEAR = "1972",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "John Lennon",
    TITLE = "Still moving on",
    YEAR = "1973",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "[John] Lennon",
    TITLE = "I'm out of here",
    YEAR = "1974",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "Lennon, [John]",
    TITLE = "I'm out of here",
    YEAR = "1975",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "John W[inston] Lennon and J[ames] Paul McCartney",
    TITLE = "Let it be",
    YEAR = "1970"}
    AUTHOR = "Gauch, Jr., Hugh G.",
    TITLE = "Scientific method in brief",
    YEAR = "2012",
    LOCATION = "Cambridge",
    PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press"}







下面的宏只是name:last-firstbiblatex.def几行代码重新排列了一下。这些\ifblank{#4}{}{...}代码一直到最后。此外,还添加了一个\revsdnamepunct,以突出 Jr 部分。(也许创建一个新的并使用它更合适\bibnameaffixpunct



\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp]{biblatex}


    \maps[datatype = bibtex]{
        \map{%% Make sure a field like [Adam John Smith] comes out as [Smith, Adam John]
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{\A\[(.+)\s+([^\s]+)\]\Z},
                replace = {[$2, $1]}]
        \map{%% Abbreviate an entry such as Adam J[ohn] Smith to Smith, Adam J.
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{(\w+)\[(.+?)\]},
                replace ={$1.}]
        \map{%% Abbreviate an entry such as [Adam John] Smith to Smith
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                notmatch = \regexp{\A\[(.+)\]\Z},
            \step[fieldsource = author,
                match = \regexp{(\A|\,\s)\[(.+?)\]},
                replace = {$1}]

    AUTHOR = "J[ohn] Lennon",
    TITLE = "My life with the Beatles",
    YEAR = "1970",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "[John Lennon]",
    TITLE = "Moving on",
    YEAR = "1971",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "[J. John Lennon]",
    TITLE = "Moving further on",
    YEAR = "1972",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "John Lennon",
    TITLE = "Still moving on",
    YEAR = "1973",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "[John] Lennon",
    TITLE = "I'm out of here",
    YEAR = "1974",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "Lennon, [John]",
    TITLE = "I'm out of here",
    YEAR = "1975",
    SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
    AUTHOR = "John W[inston] Lennon and J[ames] Paul McCartney",
    TITLE = "Let it be",
    YEAR = "1970"}
    AUTHOR = "Gauch, Jr., Hugh G.",
    TITLE = "Scientific method in brief",
    YEAR = "2012",
    LOCATION = "Cambridge",
    PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press"}



