


\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book}


%Load math package

%Set up the headers
%Allows first indent and loads setspace package to be used in different documents.

%Make cell space and scientific notation
\usepackage{longtable, cellspace, booktabs}
\sisetup{scientific-notation = true}

%Enables paragraph spacing. Saves the old indent value and restores it after loading the parskip package. Otherwise, you lose the indents. 



This figure illustrates the wide peak boundaries most likely to contain the targeted genes. 
Regions are mapped onto the mm9 mouse genome. Recall that these regions have a FQR < 0.25. There are 44 amplified regions, 109 deleted regions, and 17 regions are both amplified and deleted in different tumour subsets. Importantly, there are clear arm-length deletions, namely 15p, 21p, and 22p. More than 50\% of 18q is split into two close regions. There is a series of centromeric and para-centromeric deletions on chromosome 9. There is no arm-length amplification.
\caption[Statistically significant chromosomal aberrations]{\textbf{Statistically significant chromosomal aberrations.} There are 44 amplified regions, 109 deleted regions, and 16 regions that are both amplified and deleted in different tumour subsets. Particularly, there are 3 single arm-length deletions, namely 15p, 21p, and 22p. Additionally, more than 50\% of 18q is fragmented into close regions. There is no arm-length amplification. Regions are mapped onto the hg18 human genome.}



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\captionof{figure}[Statistically significant chromosomal aberrations]{\textbf{Statistically significant chromosomal aberrations.} There are 44
amplified regions, 109 deleted regions, and 16 regions that are both 
amplified and deleted in different tumour subsets. Particularly, there are 
3 single arm-length deletions, namely 15p, 21p, and 22p. Additionally, more 
than 50\% of 18q is fragmented into close regions. There is no arm-length 
amplification. Regions are mapped onto the hg18 human genome.}
