

我需要格式化文档中的表格和图片的标题,使其使用 10pt Arial 字体加粗。主字体是 12pt Times New Roman。我尝试了以下方法 (MWE),但似乎不起作用。我使用的是 XeLaTex。



\setmainfont{Times New Roman}

\DeclareCaptionFormat{mytabformat}{\myfont\fontsize{10pt}{0pt}\bf\tablename~\thetable. \selectfont #3}


Some text, which appears to be in Times New Roman.

\caption{Summary of some stuff, but my caption it is not Arial font.}
\begin{tabular}{c c c }
Group & Value & Description \\
1 & 22  & Something\\
2 & 29 & Insightful\\

{\fontspec{Arial} Some more text (in Arial), just to be sure.}

\caption{Summary of some stuff, but my caption it is not Arial font. threeparttable is not the problem}
\begin{tabular}{c c c }
Group & Value & Description \\
1 & 22  & Something\\
2 & 29 & Insightful\\




你使用的\bf那个已经被弃用了 20 年的东西,而且放在了\selectfont错误的地方。也是\fontsize{10}{0}错误的。



\setmainfont{Times New Roman}

  \fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\sffamily\bfseries\tablename~\thetable. #3%



Some text, which appears to be in Times New Roman.


\caption{Summary of some stuff, but my caption it is not Arial font.}

\begin{tabular}{c c c }
Group & Value & Description \\
1 & 22  & Something\\
2 & 29 & Insightful\\


{\sffamily Some more text (in Arial), just to be sure.}


\caption{Summary of some stuff, but my caption it is not Arial font. 
threeparttable is not the problem}

\begin{tabular}{c c c }
Group & Value & Description \\
1 & 22  & Something\\
2 & 29 & Insightful\\



