\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book}
%Load math package
%Set up the headers
%Allows first indent and loads setspace package to be used in different documents.
%Make cell space and scientific notation
\usepackage{longtable, cellspace, booktabs}
\sisetup{scientific-notation = true}
%Enables paragraph spacing. Saves the old indent value and restores it after loading the parskip package. Otherwise, you lose the indents.
Another limitation of Nordling’s model is that it assumes a constant likelihood for each event, which is not always true.
For example, breast cancer follows the sixth power until the menopause and then deviates inwards suggesting that later events are less likely to occur after menopause.
This makes sense since breast cancer has hormonal risk factors.
Increased exposure to estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.
Thus, factors that increase the number of menstrual cycles, such as early menarche, nulliparity, and late onset of menopause, also increase the risk of breast cancer.
Similarly, reducing the number of menstrual cycles through a longer lactation period seems to be protective.
\captionof{figure}[Log-log plots of cancer mortality rates in Canada for 2010]{\textbf{Log-log plots of cancer mortality rates in Canada for 2010.} This figures shows that cancer overall requires at least six steps for both men and women (A,B). Additionally, the mathematical modelling of the influence of estrogen levels on breast cancer is consistent with the epidemiological data (C). Colon cancer in women is used as control because it is hormonally independent (D). \textit{Data: CANSIM tables 051-0522 and 102-0522, Statistics Canada. Accessed: April 4th, 2015.}}
Nordling’s equation can be modified so the likelihood of an independent event changes as a function of the time of exposure to a factor (e.g. carcinogen, hormone), and the order of the cellular change which it affects. Mathematically, the probability of an event is proportional to:
where to is the age of initial exposure, t is the age at diagnosis, r is the number of steps for carcinogenesis, and s is the order of the event (i.e. first, second,…,r\textsuperscript{th}).
保护框或环境,正如您所经历的那样,这会产生不良结果。标题文档第 18 页提到了这一点:
\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book}
%Load math package
%Set up the headers
%Allows first indent and loads setspace package to be used in different documents.
%Make cell space and scientific notation
\usepackage{longtable, cellspace, booktabs}
\sisetup{scientific-notation = true}
%Enables paragraph spacing. Saves the old indent value and restores it after loading the parskip package. Otherwise, you lose the indents.
Another limitation of Nordling’s model is that it assumes a constant likelihood for each event, which is not always true.
For example, breast cancer follows the sixth power until the menopause and then deviates inwards suggesting that later events are less likely to occur after menopause.
This makes sense since breast cancer has hormonal risk factors.
Increased exposure to estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.
Thus, factors that increase the number of menstrual cycles, such as early menarche, nulliparity, and late onset of menopause, also increase the risk of breast cancer.
Similarly, reducing the number of menstrual cycles through a longer lactation period seems to be protective.
\captionof{figure}[Log-log plots of cancer mortality rates in Canada for 2010]{\textbf{Log-log plots of cancer mortality rates in Canada for 2010.} This figures shows that cancer overall requires at least six steps for both men and women (A,B). Additionally, the mathematical modelling of the influence of estrogen levels on breast cancer is consistent with the epidemiological data (C). Colon cancer in women is used as control because it is hormonally independent (D). \textit{Data: CANSIM tables 051-0522 and 102-0522, Statistics Canada. Accessed: April 4th, 2015.}}
Nordling’s equation can be modified so the likelihood of an independent event changes as a function of the time of exposure to a factor (e.g. carcinogen, hormone), and the order of the cellular change which it affects. Mathematically, the probability of an event is proportional to:
where to is the age of initial exposure, t is the age at diagnosis, r is the number of steps for carcinogenesis, and s is the order of the event (i.e. first, second,…,r\textsuperscript{th}).
\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book}
%Enables paragraph spacing. Saves the old indent value and restores it after loading the parskip package. Otherwise, you lose the indents.
Another limitation of Nordling’s model is that it assumes a constant likelihood for each event, which is not always true.
For example, breast cancer follows the sixth power until the menopause and then deviates inwards suggesting that later events are less likely to occur after menopause.
This makes sense since breast cancer has hormonal risk factors.
Increased exposure to estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.
Thus, factors that increase the number of menstrual cycles, such as early menarche, nulliparity, and late onset of menopause, also increase the risk of breast cancer.
Similarly, reducing the number of menstrual cycles through a longer lactation period seems to be protective.
\caption[Log-log plots of cancer mortality rates in Canada for 2010]{\textbf{Log-log plots of cancer mortality rates in Canada for 2010.} This figures shows that cancer overall requires at least six steps for both men and women (A,B). Additionally, the mathematical modelling of the influence of estrogen levels on breast cancer is consistent with the epidemiological data (C). Colon cancer in women is used as control because it is hormonally independent (D). \textit{Data: CANSIM tables 051-0522 and 102-0522, Statistics Canada. Accessed: April 4th, 2015.}}
\clearpage% just for the example
Nordling’s equation can be modified so the likelihood of an independent event changes as a function of the time of exposure to a factor (e.g. carcinogen, hormone), and the order of the cellular change which it affects. Mathematically, the probability of an event is proportional to:
where to is the age of initial exposure, t is the age at diagnosis, r is the number of steps for carcinogenesis, and s is the order of the event (i.e. first, second,…,r\textsuperscript{th}).