\NewTasks[style=enumerate,counter-format=tsk[a]),label-width=2.6ex,column-sep=2ex,before-skip=2pt,item-indent = {1em}]
\item Answer any of the following questions as you wish.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question. How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\item You don't have to answer any of these questions as they may be difficult.% << this % is needed
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question. How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\item You don't have to answer any of these questions as they may be difficult.% << this % is needed
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question. How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
\subquestion How are you doing? If doing well, answer this question.
,默认为 3)、考虑大公式的内衬(键il
,默认为 1)以及项目标签和项目主体之间的距离(键ls
,默认为 0.6em)。如有必要,项目将自动地使用多列。
\usepackage{shortlst, setspace, amsmath}
\setlist[exercises,1]{label=\arabic*. , wide=0pt}
\define@key{lex}{nc}[3]{\setcounter{ncol}{#1}}%% 3 columns by default
\define@key{lex}{il}[1.5]{\def\@intln{#1}}% interlining![1]
\define@key{lex}{ls}[0.6em]{\setlength{\labelsep}{#1}}%%distance between label and item body
\setkeys{lex}{nc,il,ls, #1}
\newcommand\paritem[2][1]{\item \parbox[t]{#1\shortitemwidth}{\setstretch{1}#2\medskip}}
\item For the following questions, \&c. \vspace{-\baselineskip}
\begin{tabenumerate}[nc=3, il =2.5, ls =1em]
\item $ a_n = \frac{4n^3 - (-1)^nn^2}{5n + 2n^3}$
\item $ b_n = \frac{(n^3 - 5n)^4 - n^{12}}{n^{11}}$
\item $ c_n = \frac{n^{n + 1}}{n!}$\label{q-3}
\item $ e_n = \frac{2^{(n^3)}}{n!5^{(n^2)} - n^n}$
\item $ f_n = \sqrt{n + \sqrt{2n}} - \sqrt{n + \sqrt{2n}}\mkern1mu x$
See question \ref{q-3}.