


    \caption{A and B}

    \caption{C and D}
     \caption{Text of caption.}

但是当我编译 LaTeX 时,收到以下信息:

("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\caption\subcaption.sty"

LaTeX Warning: You have requested, on input line 44, version
               `2012/03/25' of package caption,
               but only version
               `2004/05/16 v3.0b Customising captions (AS)'
               is available.

! Undefined control sequence.
l.45 \caption@AtBeginDocument

Process has been terminated ...



\documentclass[oneside,12pt]{report} % Use twoside for alternate page headings.

% \usepackage{cite}
% \usepackage{graphics}

% \marginsize{2.54cm}{2.54cm}{2.54cm}{2.54cm}

% LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

\usepackage[acronym,footnote,nonumberlist]{glossaries} % Makes a list of abbreviations.

\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{The abbreviations below\ldots}

% LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

% NOTE: The LaTeX glossary is in file Abbreviations.tex. The thesis glossary is in file Glossary.tex.

% With thanks to: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/197692/adding-a-specific-title-to-
%                 list-of-abbreviations-acronyms-in-latex.

\usepackage[acronym,footnote,nonumberlist]{glossaries} % Makes a list of abbreviations.
% \makeglossaries % This must be run from the command-line: e.g. 'makeglossaries file'
                  % where `file` is the name of the main LaTeX file.
\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{Some text\ldots}

% \renewcommand{\glsnamefont}[1]{\textbf{#1}}

% \glossarystyle{long}

% PART, CHAPTER AND SECTION NUMBERING.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    \cleardoublepage% (For clearing content before.)




% BIBLIOGRAPHY PREAMBLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\renewcommand{\bibpreamble}{The references below\ldots}

% BEGIN DOCUMENT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    % Title page.


    % LISTINGS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    % Print glossary.
    \printglossary[type=acronym,title={List of Abbreviations}]
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}
    % \printglossaries%[title={List of abbreviations}]

    % Print algorithms.
    \clearpage% or \clearpage under the oneside option
    \phantomsection% Mark a hyperref link location
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Algorithms}% Add contents entry for List of Tables
    \listofalgorithms% Start List of Tables

    % Print figures.
    \clearpage% or \clearpage under the oneside option
    \phantomsection% Mark a hyperref link location
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}% Add contents entry for List of Tables
    \listoffigures% Start List of Tables

    % Print tables.
    \clearpage% or \clearpage under the oneside option
    \phantomsection% Mark a hyperref link location
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}% Add contents entry for List of Tables
    \listoftables% Start List of Tables



    \emph{Text to go here\ldots}

    \caption{A and B}

    \caption{C and D}

    \caption{Text of caption.}

    \emph{Text to go here\ldots}

    \emph{Text to go here\ldots}

    \emph{Text to go here\ldots}

    % Print figures.
    \clearpage% or \clearpage under the oneside option
    \phantomsection% Mark a hyperref link location
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}% Add contents entry for List of Tables




3 子图和子表环境

加载subcaption包后,新的环境 subfiguresubtable可用,它们具有与 minipage 环境相同的(可选和强制)参数:

  . . .


    \caption{A and B}
