

在 Ubuntu 上运行 Postfix 时,我在一个帐户中获得了一些测试电子邮件usr1,现在我想在开始其他测试之前删除它们。但是,每次我尝试同时使用d #“delete #”和“delete #”进行删除时,什么也没有发生。


usr1@usr1:~$ mail  
"/var/mail/usr1": 5 messages 5 unread  
>U   1 usr2              Tue Apr 30 15:54  19/478   Testing local mail  
U   2 Mail Delivery Syst Tue Apr 30 15:54  78/2433  Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
U   3 usr2               Tue Apr 30 15:55  19/614   Re: Testing local mail
U   4 usr2               Tue Apr 30 15:55  19/604   Re: Testing local mail
U   5 Mail Delivery Syst Tue Apr 30 15:55  73/2219  Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
? d 1-5
? x

usr1@usr1:~$ mail
"/var/mail/usr1": 5 messages 5 unread
>U   1 usr2              Tue Apr 30 15:54  19/478   Testing local mail
U   2 Mail Delivery Syst Tue Apr 30 15:54  78/2433  Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
U   3 usr2               Tue Apr 30 15:55  19/614   Re: Testing local mail
U   4 usr2               Tue Apr 30 15:55  19/604   Re: Testing local mail
U   5 Mail Delivery Syst Tue Apr 30 15:55  73/2219  Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
? x

谁能解释这是为什么吗?另一个 Unix SE 帖子谈论使用该命令,因为我希望它能工作(当然,在 Solaris 中),但我不明白为什么这些邮件拒绝删除。


经过多次挖掘,我意识到问题是我总是退出mail使用exitor x。来自Ubuntu 手册页:

exit (ex or x) Effects an immediate return to the shell without modifying 
               the user's system mailbox, his mbox file, or his edit
               file in -f.

因此,如果您尝试删除电子邮件并使用d *d 1-5等,则需要确保mail使用quit或离开q

