我正在为我们的研究所制作一个 LaTeX 模板。指南规定引用图形、方程式或表格时应采用一种不寻常的风格。第一次在文中提到它们时,必须加下划线。那么我该怎么做才能让它自动运行呢?我已经尝试了一些词汇表和首字母缩略词,但没有任何效果。
%Redefine \cref so that it will make a margin note if the passed label is referenced for the first time.
%check if the label has already been referenced.
\ifcsname marginnote@#1\endcsname
%already exists...therefore not the first citation
\expandafter\gdef\csname marginnote@#1\endcsname{}%first citation...with this defined, will not underline again
\author{John Doe}
\title{Automatic underlining of the first use of a reference}
See \cref{fig:figure}. \lipsum[1]
A new reference to \cref{fig:figure} is not underlined.
Let's do the same with an equation.
\label{eq:1}f(x) = x^2
Refering to \cref{eq:1} for the first time, there should be a marginal note, as is visible here, but it shoudl begin with ``Eq.'', not ``Fig.''.
Here we can test a list of references \cref{eq:1,tab:1,fig:figure} which should bypass the underling no matter the contents.
Adding another reference to \cref{eq:1} does not result in an underline; however, referring to \cref{tab:1} for the first time does.
% lets put a table and a figure
\caption{Table title}
x & y \\ \hline
3 & 3 \\
4 & 4 \\ \hline
\caption{A figure}\label{fig:figure}