我发现这个例子这里两个相交的球体,复制了我发现的几个 Tikz 球体这里代码如下。不过,我想知道如何让这两个球体相交 - 以及如何将它们嵌入/绘制一个更大的球体,该球体在 XY 平面上刚好足够容纳这两个球体。
我考虑得更笼统一些——也许我可以创建一个通用的“球体”,实例化 3 个不同大小的球体,然后移动它们,直到它们看起来正确为止。这可能是个好办法。
\coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
\foreach \angle in {-90,-75,...,90}
%calculate the sine and cosine of the angle
%define a point along the z-axis through which to draw
%a circle in the xy-plane
\coordinate (P) at (0,0,\sintheta);
%draw the circle in the main frame
%define the rotated coordinate frame based on the angle
%draw the circle in the rotated frame
\coordinate (O) at (-130,0,0);
\foreach \angle in {-90,-75,...,90}
%calculate the sine and cosine of the angle
%define a point along the z-axis through which to draw
%a circle in the xy-plane
\coordinate (P) at (0,0,\sintheta);
%draw the circle in the main frame
%define the rotated coordinate frame based on the angle
%draw the circle in the rotated frame