有人能帮我弄清楚为什么这段代码在 Lyx 中不起作用吗?尽管使用了 longtable,但表格在溢出底部边距后会在页面末尾被截断。
Country & N obs & Total years & No degree & High school & Some college,+ & smth & smth \\
& & of education & & & & prestige score & income score \\ \hline \multirow{2}{0mm}{Albania} & \multirow{2}{0mm}{16} & 12.1 & 9 & 31 & 59 & 48.4 & 32.1 \\
\medskip & & (2.8) & (30) & (47) & (50) & (11.9) & (10.1) \\
\medskip \multirow{2}{0mm}{Norway} & \multirow{2}{0mm}{229} & 12.2 & 8 & 28 & 65 & 47.0 & 31.0 \\
\usepackage[margin=1in,a4paper]{geometry} % page parameters
%% Arrange for "longtable" to take up full width of text block
\item[a] A note
\item[b] Another note
\begin{longtable}{ l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} *{7}{c} }
Country & N obs & Total years & No degree & High school & Some college,+ & smth\tnote{a} & smth\tnote{b} \\
& & of education & & & & prestige score & income score \\
\insertTableNotes % tell LaTeX where to insert the table-related notes
Albania & 16 & 12.1 & 9 & 31 & 59 & 48.4 & 32.1 \\
& & (2.8) & (30) & (47) & (50) & (11.9) & (10.1) \\
Norway & 229 & 12.2 & 8 & 28 & 65 & 47.0 & 31.0 \\