我使用 XeLaTeX 编译我的所有文档。但是,昨天我将笔记本电脑格式化为 Windows 10,并再次安装了 TexLive。但是,现在当我尝试编译我现有的文档(以前可以编译)时,我就是无法编译。
我得到了如下所示的错误。此外,它不再识别 Computer Modern 字体。它不是默认的 Latex 字体吗?请注意,我使用的是 TexMaker。
这也是我的完整.tex 文件。
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{report}
% Language
% Context sensitive quotation
% Citations
\usepackage[style=alphabetic, backend=biber]{biblatex}
% Custom enumerations
% Extend options for positioning floats
% Support highlighting of certain parts of the text
% Definitions for mathematical type setting
% Headers & Footers
\usepackage[automark, nouppercase]{scrpage2}
% To change the format of titles
% Support for unicode math fonts
% Extended color support
% Extras for XƎTEX
% Hyperlinks and pdf properties
% TikZ
\usetikzlibrary{arrows,hobby,backgrounds,calc,trees, fit, shapes.geometric}
% Highlight and tab some text
% Syntax highlighting definitions
% Background color for syntax highlighting
\definecolor{bgcolor}{rgb} {1, 1, 1}
% Custom color definitions
\definecolor{aqua}{rgb} {0, 0.56, 1}
\definecolor{bluegray}{rgb} {0.22, 0.46, 0.84}
\definecolor{grape}{rgb} {0.56, 0, 1}
\definecolor{orchid}{rgb} {0.41, 0.13, 0.55}
\definecolor{orange}{rgb} {1, 0.54, 0}
\definecolor{silver}{rgb} {0.57, 0.57, 0.57}
\definecolor{turquoise}{rgb} {0, 0.86, 0.84}
% No indendation after paragraph
% Hyperref properties
pdftitle = {\Title},
pdfsubject = {\Subject},
pdfauthor = {\AuthorOne},
pdfkeywords = {\KeyWords},
colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = black,
anchorcolor = black,
citecolor = silver,
urlcolor = black
% Use same size for numbers and other text
% Define font styles
\newfontfamily\Zapfino{Computer Modern}
% Use normal font instead of italic font for head
% Set headers and footers
% Set height of head
% Set thickness of separation line in header, footer
% Title and title-description
{\Huge\Zapfino \Title}
\vskip 0.5cm
\vskip 1cm
\vskip 0.5cm
% Information about author
\AuthorOne & \MailOne\\
\vskip 0.5cm
\vskip 13.5cm
% Date and version number
\textbf{Version} & \Version\\
\textbf{Date} & \today
% Modify space before and after a chapter
% Set chapter format for table of contents
% Set separation of dots between name of section and page number to such a high
% value that there will be no points in the table of contents
\makeatletter \renewcommand{\@dotsep}{10000} \makeatother
% Use blank header and footer
% Suppress page number
% Start on new page
% The table of contents starts at the second page
% Set table of contents
% Suppress page number
{\Large\sffamily\bfseries} % Bold, large, sans serif font for section
{} % No format applied to whole title
{0pt} % No separation between label and title
{\thechapter ~•~ } % Start with chapter number
% Underline with blue ruler, Use default style for headers, footers
% Set format for other sections and paragraphs
% Color = orchid, Font = bold, sans serif
% Start with text on a new page
% Display headers and footers
% Restore arabic page numbering
\item $\Box (A \supset A)$.
% Suppress page number
% Set section format for bibliography
% Display bibliography
在基本 latex 中未定义。您必须加载latexsym
似乎与 兼容)。
对于最后一个解决方案,描述为“很可能不是一个好的修复”,您必须 pdflatex hobby.dtx,并将结果hobby.code.tex, pgflibraryhobby.code.tex, tikzlibraryhobby.code.tex
在 中…\latex\hobby\
,无论是在 中texmf-local
还是您的个人 texmf 目录中。当官方修复可用时,您将删除它。