更新:包括正在工作的 MWE。下面的 MWE 说明了 A4 纸张大小、C5 布局。目前拇指索引固定在纸张边缘,因此它位于打印区域之外(C5)。我需要将拇指放在原始位置(在打印区域的边缘),同时确保字母正确定位并且拇指索引延伸到边缘。拇指的原始宽度为 0.5 厘米,字母位于内部中央。
\documentclass[8pt, a4paper, twoside, openright]{extbook}
{ headsep = \baselineskip
, textwidth = 42\baselineskip
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, bindingoffset = 0cm
, onecolumn
, layout=c5paper,
, layouthoffset=\dimexpr(\paperwidth-\csname Gm@layoutwidth\endcsname)/2\relax
, layoutvoffset = 2cm
, showcrop
\usepackage[icelandic, latin, czech]{babel}
\usepackage[scaled=0.88]{helvet} % relative scale of the two fonts
% \normalsize should be {8pt}{9.6pt}
\def\HUGE {\fontsize{23.887872pt}{3\baselineskip}\selectfont}
\def\Huge {\fontsize{19.906560pt}{3\baselineskip}\selectfont}
\def\huge {\fontsize{16.588800pt}{3\baselineskip}\selectfont}
\def\large{\fontsize{ 9.600000pt}{2\baselineskip}\selectfont}
% Two columns layout ruler
\setlength\columnsep {2\baselineskip}
% Necessary for baseline alignment
\setlength\parskip{0pt} % it's better to avoid glue
% ######################################################### ASSORTED PACKAGES #
% ############################################################ BASELINE GRID #
% Command to draw a baseline grid
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw [red!30!white, ultra thin, dashed]
(0,0) grid [ ystep = \baselineskip, xstep = \textwidth
, shift = (current page text area.north west)
, yshift = -\dp\strutbox
] ++(\textwidth,-\textheight);
\draw [red!30!white, thin]
(0,0) grid [ step = \baselineskip, xstep = \textwidth
, shift=(current page text area.north)
] ++(0.5\textwidth,-\textheight)
(0,0) grid [ step = \baselineskip, xstep = \textwidth
, shift=(current page text area.north)
] ++(-0.5\textwidth,-\textheight);
(current page text area.north west)
rectangle (current page text area.south east);
% Draw a baseline grid on every page
% ############################################################### PAGE STYLES #
% -------------------------------------- BASIC PAGE STYLE
\fancyhf\relax % Clear header/footer
\renewcommand \headrulewidth {0.0pt} % No header rule
\renewcommand \footrulewidth {0.0pt} % No footer rule
\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage} % Page number in footer, centred
% -------------------------------------- DICTIONARY PAGE STYLE
\fancyhf\relax % Clear header/footer
\renewcommand \headrulewidth {0.4pt} % Thin header rule
\fancyhead[CO,CE]{\thepage} % Page number in header, centred
% NOTE: the page numbers will be printed when the dictionary is ready
% #################################################################### COLORS #
\definecolor {darkgreen} {rgb} {0.40, 0.01, 0.24}
\definecolor {color1} {RGB} { 182, 86, 0}
\definecolor {color2} {RGB} { 143, 9, 6}
\definecolor {color3} {RGB} { 3, 23, 118}
\definecolor {color4} {RGB} { 0, 82, 168}
\definecolor {color5} {RGB} { 0, 85, 142}
% ############################################################# THUMB INDEXES #
\ifcase#1 darkgreen!30\or color1\or color2\or color3\or color4\or color5\fi}
% new counter to hold the current number of the letter to determine the vertical position
% newcounter for the sum of all letters to get the right height of a box
% some margin settings
\setlength{\thumbtopmargin}{3cm} %1cm
\setlength{\thumbbottommargin}{6cm} %2.5cm
% calculate the box height by dividing the page height
% box width
\setlength{\thumbwidth}{2cm} %0.5cm
% style the boxes
minimum height=\thumbheight,
text width=\thumbwidth,
outer sep=0pt,
% see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [thumb, fill=\BoxColor{#1}, text centered, anchor=north #2]
at ($(current page.north #2)-%
% (0,\thumbtopmargin+\value{letternum}*\thumbheight)%
(0,\thumbtopmargin+#1*\thumbheight)$) {\csname Let#1\endcsname};
% I had to exchange the east/west anchors of the thumbs
% because they were being drawn flipped. I don't know why.
\newcommand{\oddthumb} [1]{\drawthumb{#1}{west}}
% create a new command to set a new lettergroup with thumb indexes
% step the counter of the letters
\expandafter\gdef\csname Let\theletternum\endcsname{#1}%
% #################################################### ASSORTED CUSTOM MACROS #
% ###################################################### HYPERREF & PDF INFO #
\usepackage[pdftex, unicode, hyperfootnotes=false]{hyperref}
Paulo Brasolin 解决了这个问题。我重新发布了正确答案。希望它以后能帮助到其他用户。
\newcounter{lettersum} \setcounter{lettersum}{34}
% these margins separate top thumb from top of page and last thumb from
% bottom of page. BEWARE, it's from top of the (cut out) page, not the folio!
\newlength{\thumbtopmargin} \setlength{\thumbtopmargin}{1cm}
\newlength{\thumbbottommargin} \setlength{\thumbbottommargin}{1cm}
\newlength{\thumbwidth} \setlength{\thumbwidth}{2.20cm}
{(\csname Gm@layoutheight\endcsname-\thumbtopmargin-\thumbbottommargin)/\value{lettersum}}
% inner xsep of letter from box margin
\newlength{\thumbsep} \setlength{\thumbsep}{.30cm}
% overlap over cutting line
\newlength{\thumboverlap} \setlength{\thumboverlap}{3cm}
outer sep=0pt,
inner xsep=\thumbsep,
minimum height=\thumbheight,
text width=\thumbwidth-2\thumbsep,
thumb east/.style={thumb,
xshift=\dimexpr(+\thumboverlap-\paperwidth+\csname Gm@layoutwidth\endcsname)/2\relax,
align=left,anchor=north east,},
thumb west/.style={thumb,
xshift=\dimexpr(-\thumboverlap+\paperwidth-\csname Gm@layoutwidth\endcsname)/2\relax,
align=right,anchor=north west,},
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [thumb #2, fill=\BoxColor{#1}]
at ($(current page.north #2)-%
(0,\csname Gm@layoutvoffset\endcsname+\thumbtopmargin-\thumbheight+%
#1*\thumbheight)$) {\csname Let#1\endcsname};
\newcommand{\oddthumb} [1]{\drawthumb{#1}{west}}
\expandafter\gdef\csname Let\theletternum\endcsname{#1}%