我有 7 家公司向我发送了 RFP。我的 RFP 流程有 6 个阶段。每个阶段都用一个圆圈表示。我想像图中所示那样标记每个圆圈。我还想在公司名称下画一条线,并将其连接到圆圈上的点,以指示这家特定公司处于哪个阶段。公司名称可以移动,以便于绘图。我确实画了圆圈和公司,但我陷入了困境。
\draw[green] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.05cm*\mcf);
\draw[xyellow] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.1cm*\mcf);
\draw[yellow] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.15cm*\mcf);
\draw[orange] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.2cm*\mcf);%
\draw[red!70] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.25cm*\mcf);
\draw[red] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.3cm*\mcf);
\draw[fill=forestgreen] (0,0) circle (.02mm);
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={RFP Submission},text align={center},text color={red}},decorate] (0.3,3.3) to [bend left=110] (2.8,1.9);
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={Contract},text align={center},text color={forestgreen}},decorate] (-1.9,1.0) to [bend left=45](-.9,2);
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={Contract},text align={center},text color={forestgreen}},decorate] (-1.9,1.0) to [bend left=45](-.9,2);
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={|\small|Award},text align={center},text color={green}},decorate] (-2,-.9) to [bend left=75] (1,.9);
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={|\small|Award},text align={center},text color={green}},decorate] (-2,-.9) to [bend left=75] (1,.9);
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=.2mm] (a) at (0,0) {};
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={Contract},text align={center},text color={forestgreen}},decorate] (-1.9,1.0) to [bend left=45](-.9,2);
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={|\small|Award},text align={center},text color={green}},decorate] (-2,-.9) to [bend left=75] (1,.9);
\foreach \x [count=\xi] in {360, 309, ..., 51}
\draw[thin, gray!40] (a) -- (\x:\radiusf+89);
\draw (360:\radiusf+\shi) node at (360+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 1};
\draw (309:\radiusf+\shi) node at (309+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 2};
\draw (257:\radiusf+\shi) node at (257+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 3};
\draw (206:\radiusf+\shi) node at (206+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 4};
\draw (154:\radiusf+\shi) node at (154+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 5};
\draw (103:\radiusf+\shi) node at (103+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 6};
\draw (051:\radiusf+\shi) node at (051+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 7};
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc, fpu, decorations.pathreplacing}
\draw[green] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.05cm*\mcf);
\draw[xyellow] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.1cm*\mcf);
\draw[yellow] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.15cm*\mcf);
\draw[orange] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.2cm*\mcf);
\draw[red!70] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.25cm*\mcf);
\draw[red] (0,0) circle (\mybf+.3cm*\mcf);
\draw[fill=forestgreen] (0,0) circle (.02mm);
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={RFP Submission},text align={center},text color={red}},decorate] (0.3,3.3) to [bend left=110] (2.8,1.9);
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={Contract},text align={center},text color={forestgreen}},decorate] (-1.9,1.0) to [bend left=45](-.9,2);
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={Contract},text align={center},text color={forestgreen}},decorate] (-1.9,1.0) to [bend left=45](-.9,2);
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={|\small|Award},text align={center},text color={green}},decorate] (-2,-.9) to [bend left=75] (1,.9);
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={|\small|Award},text align={center},text color={green}},decorate] (-2,-.9) to [bend left=75] (1,.9);
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=.2mm] (a) at (0,0) {};
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={Contract},text align={center},text color={forestgreen}},decorate] (-1.9,1.0) to [bend left=45](-.9,2);
\draw[decoration={text along path,text={|\small|Award},text align={center},text color={green}},decorate] (-2,-.9) to [bend left=75] (1,.9);
\foreach \x [count=\xi] in {360, 309, ..., 51}
\draw[thin, gray!40] (a) -- (\x:\radiusf+89);
\draw (360:\radiusf+\shi) node at (360+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 1};
\draw (309:\radiusf+\shi) node at (309+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 2};
\draw (257:\radiusf+\shi) node at (257+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 3};
\draw (206:\radiusf+\shi) node at (206+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 4};
\draw (154:\radiusf+\shi) node at (154+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 5};
\draw (103:\radiusf+\shi) node at (103+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 6};
\draw (051:\radiusf+\shi) node at (051+\ashi:\radiusf+\shi) {Company 7};
% use \newcommand - not \def - or you won't know that you are overwriting existing commands (e.g. \angle)
deco/.style n args=2{
postaction={decorate, decoration={text along path, text=#2, text align=center, text color=#1},},
mini node/.style={circle, draw, fill=gray, inner sep=.5mm}
\foreach \i/\j [count=\k from=0] in {RFP Submission/red,Repack/red,Proposal/red!50!orange,Finale/orange!50!yellow,Contract/forestgreen,Award/green}
\draw [\j, deco={\j}{\i}] (0,-\mybf-3mm*\mcf+\k*.5mm*\mcf) arc (270:-90:\mybf+3mm*\mcf-\k*.5mm*\mcf) ;
\node [draw, fill=forestgreen, circle, inner sep=.2mm] (a) at (0,0) {};
\foreach \i/\j [count=\k from 1] in {360/3, 309/0, 258/5, 207/4, 155/3, 120/1, 52/2}
\draw [thin, gray!40] (a) -- (\i:\radiusf+89);
\draw (\i:\mybf+3mm*\mcf-\j*.5mm*\mcf) node [mini node, inner sep=.2mm] {} -- (\i:\mybf+3mm*\mcf+.5mm*\mcf) coordinate (a\k);
\ifnum\i<270 \ifnum\i>90
\node (company \k) [anchor=south east] at (a\k) {Company \k};
\draw (company \k.south east) -- (company \k.south west) node [mini node] {};
\node (company \k) [anchor=south west] at (a\k) {Company \k};
\draw (company \k.south west) -- (company \k.south east) node [mini node] {};
\node (company \k) [anchor=south west] at (a\k) {Company \k};
\draw (company \k.south west) -- (company \k.south east) node [mini node] {};
\foreach \i/\j [count=\k from=0] in {RFP Submission/red,Repack/red,Proposal/red!50!orange,Finale/orange!50!yellow,Contract/forestgreen,Award/green}
\draw [\j, deco={\j}{\i}] (0,-\mybf-3mm*\mcf+\k*.5mm*\mcf) arc (270:-90:\mybf+3mm*\mcf-\k*.5mm*\mcf) ;
\node [draw, fill=forestgreen, circle, inner sep=.2mm] (a) at (0,0) {};
\foreach \i/\j/\m [count=\k from 1] in {360/3/Apple, 309/0/Samsung, 258/5/Tesco, 207/4/Asda, 155/3/John Lewis, 120/1/Coop, 52/2/Weaver Street}
\draw [thin, gray!40] (a) -- (\i:\radiusf+89);
\draw (\i:\mybf+3mm*\mcf-\j*.5mm*\mcf) node [mini node, inner sep=.2mm] {} -- (\i:\mybf+3mm*\mcf+.5mm*\mcf) coordinate (a\k);
\ifnum\i<270 \ifnum\i>90
\node (company \k) [anchor=south east] at (a\k) {\m};
\draw (company \k.south east) -- (company \k.south west) node [mini node] {};
\node (company \k) [anchor=south west] at (a\k) {\m};
\draw (company \k.south west) -- (company \k.south east) node [mini node] {};
\node (company \k) [anchor=south west] at (a\k) {\m};
\draw (company \k.south west) -- (company \k.south east) node [mini node] {};