% Using a5paper to see differences more easily
\makeevenhead{plain}{}{A plain style}{\thepage}
\makeoddhead{plain}{}{A plain style}{\thepage}
\setheadfoot{\baselineskip}{0pt} % <-- no effect?
First page. Nothing special.
End of the page.
Second page. Compare to third page
(if your pdf viewer allows you to see pages side by side)
End of the page.
Third page.
End of the page.
Fourth page.
End of the page.
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\makeoddhead{myplain}{\footnotesize Author}{}{\footnotesize \thepage}
\begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
First page. Nothing special.
End of the page.
Class memoir Warning: The material used in the footer is too large
(8.39996pt) for the given foot skip (0.0pt), it is recommended to
either increase the foot skip or redesign the fotoer
(in both cases you will find help in the memoir manual). on input line 41.
Class memoir Warning: The material used in the footer is too large
(8.39996pt) for the given foot skip (0.0pt), it is recommended to
either increase the foot skip or redesign the fotoer
(in both cases you will find help in the memoir manual). on input line 44.
感谢@daleif 的评论!
正如 @daleif 所解释的那样,只需设置页脚的高度即可(\footskip
如第 9 页所示回忆录手册\setlength{\footskip}{9pt}
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% Size of the block of text (height, width) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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\makeoddhead{myplain}{\footnotesize Author}{}{\footnotesize \thepage}
\begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
First page. Nothing special.
End of the page.