如何使用 TiKZ 在 A4 纸上插入思维导图

如何使用 TiKZ 在 A4 纸上插入思维导图


\documentclass[article, 12pt, oneside]{memoir}

    grow cyclic, text width=4cm, align=flush center,
    every node/.style={concept},
    concept color=orange!40,
    %root/.style= {concept color=black!40,font=\large\bfseries,text width=12em},
    level 1/.style={level distance=8cm,sibling angle=90},
    level 2/.style={level distance=6cm,sibling angle=45},
    level 3/.style={level distance=6cm,sibling angle=45}]]

\node [root concept] {\textbf{Root concept}}
   child [concept color=blue!30] { node {Classification}
        child { node {first classification}}
        child { node {first classification}}
        child { node {first classification}}
    child [concept color=green!30] { node {One concept}
        child [concept color=green!40]{ node {description \\ of concept 1}}
       % child { node {B}}
    child [concept color=yellow!30] { node {Second \\ concept}
        child { node {Environment}}
        child { node {concept two}}
        child [concept color=red!40] { node {concept \\ three}
                child { node {Description of child concept one}}  
                child { node {Description of child concept two}}
                child { node {Description of child concept three}}      
    child [concept color=teal!40]  { node {Other concept}
        child { node {description concept}}
        child { node {description concept}}
        child { node {description concept}}
        child { node {...}}
        child { node {...}}


  1. 我该如何调整思维导图的大小以便将其插入 A4 文档中?我尝试插入思维导图,更改文档类别,设计从工作表中显示出来。
  2. 我希望相对于根概念的圆比其他圆大。我该怎么做?



为了将其放在 A4 纸上,您可以将其tikzpicture附在

    *code here*





\documentclass[article, 12pt, oneside, a4paper]{memoir}


    grow cyclic, text width=4cm, align=flush center,
    every node/.style={concept},
    concept color=orange!40,
    %root/.style= {concept color=black!40,font=\large\bfseries,text width=12em},
    level 1/.style={level distance=8cm,sibling angle=90},
    level 2/.style={level distance=6cm,sibling angle=45},
    level 3/.style={level distance=6cm,sibling angle=45}]]

\node [root concept, scale=2] {\textbf{Root concept}}
   child [concept color=blue!30] { node {Classification}
        child { node {first classification}}
        child { node {first classification}}
        child { node {first classification}}
    child [concept color=green!30] { node {One concept}
        child [concept color=green!40]{ node {description \\ of concept 1}}
       % child { node {B}}
    child [concept color=yellow!30] { node {Second \\ concept}
        child { node {Environment}}
        child { node {concept two}}
        child [concept color=red!40] { node {concept \\ three}
                child { node {Description of child concept one}}  
                child { node {Description of child concept two}}
                child { node {Description of child concept three}}      
    child [concept color=teal!40]  { node {Other concept}
        child { node {description concept}}
        child { node {description concept}}
        child { node {description concept}}
        child { node {...}}
        child { node {...}}
\caption{caption here}
