hyperref - pdftex 警告(ext4)目标具有相同的标识符

hyperref - pdftex 警告(ext4)目标具有相同的标识符




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\section{Description of the parts}

\section*{Part A}
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Part A}
\tocless\subsection{On Part A}
\tocless\subsubsection{all the numbers are fixed}
\tocless\subsubsection{I have no power on the numbering}
\tocless\subsubsection{so this has to be 2.1.3}
\tocless\subsubsection{and this has to be 2.1.4}

\section*{Part B}
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Part B}
\tocless\subsection{On Part B}
\tocless\subsubsection{all the numbers are fixed}
\tocless\subsubsection{I have no power on the numbering}
\tocless\subsubsection{so this has to be 2.1.3}
\tocless\subsubsection{and this has to be 2.1.4}



(./Proposal.out) (./Proposal.out) (./Proposal.toc) [1{/usr/local/texlive/2015/t
exmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}] [2pdfTeX warning (ext4): destinat
ion with the same identifier (name{subsection.0.2.1}) has been already used, du
plicate ignored

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l.70 \end{document}
               ] (./Proposal.aux) )








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\section{Description of the parts}

\section*{Part A}
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Part A}
\tocless\subsection{On Part A}
\tocless\subsubsection{all the numbers are fixed}
\tocless\subsubsection{I have no power on the numbering}
\tocless\subsubsection{so this has to be 2.1.3}
\tocless\subsubsection{and this has to be 2.1.4}


\section*{Part B}
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Part B}
\tocless\subsection{On Part B}
\tocless\subsubsection{all the numbers are fixed}
\tocless\subsubsection{I have no power on the numbering}
\tocless\subsubsection{so this has to be 2.1.3}
\tocless\subsubsection{and this has to be 2.1.4}

