\draw (0,0) node[cylinder,draw=black,thick,aspect=1.4,
minimum height=3cm,minimum width=2.5cm, shape border rotate=90,
cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder body fill=red!30,
cylinder end fill=blue!10, opacity=.4,anchor=north]
(A) {};
\draw [dashed] (1.23,-2.87) arc[x radius=1.24, y radius=1/3, start angle=0, end angle=180];
\begin{tikzpicture}[ball/.style={circle, minimum size=25pt, draw}]
\node (b1) [ball] {};
\node (b2) [ball, below=0pt of b1] {};
\node (b3) [ball, below=0pt of b2] {};
\coordinate (c1) at ([yshift=6pt]b1.center);
\node (c) [cylinder, draw, fit=(c1) (b2) (b3), shape border rotate=90, inner sep=0pt,, aspect=.5] {};
\draw [<->] ([xshift=15pt]c.after top) coordinate (a1) -- ([xshift=15pt]c.before bottom) coordinate (a2) node [fill=white, midway] {$3d$};
\draw [thin, draw=gray, densely dashed] (c.after top) -- (a1) (c.before bottom) -- (a2);
\draw [thin, densely dashed, draw=gray] (c.before bottom) arc [x radius=12.5pt, y radius=6pt, start angle=0, end angle=180];
\draw [thin, densely dashed, draw=gray] (b1.north) -- (b3.south) \foreach \i in {1,3,5} {node [left, pos=\i/6] {$d$}};