3x_1 + 3x_2 \geq 27
x_1 + 2x_2 \geq 18
4x_1 + 2x_2 \geq 28
\pgfplotsset{only axis on top/.style={axis on top=false, after end axis/.code={
\pgfplotsset{axis line style=opaque, ticklabel style=opaque, tick style=opaque,
\newcommand{\drawge}{-- (rel axis cs:1,0) -- (rel axis cs:1,1) -- (rel axis cs:0,1) \closedcycle}
\begin{axis}[only axis on top,
axis line style=very thick,
axis x line=bottom,
axis y line=left,
xlabel=$x_1$, ylabel=$x_2$,grid=major
\addplot [draw=none, pattern=vertical lines, domain=0:14]
{9-x} \drawge;
\addplot [draw=none, pattern=north west lines, domain=0:14]
{9-0.5*x} \drawge;
\addplot [draw=none, pattern=horizontal lines, domain=0:14]
{14-2*x} \drawge;
\addplot[very thick, domain=0:14] {9-x};
\addplot[very thick, domain=0:14] {9-0.5*x};
\addplot[very thick, domain=0:14] {14-2*x};
以下是 的一种方法pstricks
\usepackage[svgnames, x11names]{pstricks}%
\usepackage{pstricks-add, pst-eucl}
\psset{labels=none, unit=0.25}
\psset{PointName=none, PointSymbol=none, nodesepA=-20, nodesepB=-20}
\psset{linestyle=none, fillstyle=solid, opacity=0.25, framesize=15pt 5pt }
%%1st inequality
\pspolygon[fillcolor= IndianRed](C)(K1)(K2)(K3)(D)
%%2nd inequality
\pspolygon[fillcolor= Coral2](E)(K1)(K2)(K3)(F)
%%3rd inequality
\pspolygon[fillcolor= PeachPuff3](G)(K2)(K3)(H)
%% Legend
\rput(-5,-5){\setlength\arraycolsep{0.8em}$\begin{array}{@{}l l@{}}%
\fnode*[linecolor=IndianRed](0,1.25pt){In1} & x_1 + x_2 \ge 9 \\
\fnode*[linecolor=Coral2](0,1.25pt){In2} & x_1 + 2x_2 \ge 18\\
\fnode*[linecolor=PeachPuff2](0,1.25pt){In2} & 2x_1 + x_2 \ge 14
\end{array} $}
正如 cmhughes 指出的那样,他已经写了一个解决方案我已经适应了你的代码:
\pgfplotsset{only axis on top/.style={axis on top=false, after end axis/.code={
\pgfplotsset{axis line style=opaque, ticklabel style=opaque, tick style=opaque,
\newcommand{\drawge}{-- (rel axis cs:1,0) -- (rel axis cs:1,1) -- (rel axis cs:0,1) \closedcycle}
\begin{axis}[only axis on top,
axis line style=very thick,
axis x line=bottom,
axis y line=left,
xlabel=$x_1$, ylabel=$x_2$,grid=major
\addplot [draw=none, pattern=vertical lines, domain=0:14]
{9-x} \drawge;
\addplot [draw=none, pattern=north west lines, domain=0:14]
{9-0.5*x} \drawge;
\addplot [draw=none, pattern=horizontal lines, domain=0:14]
{14-2*x} \drawge;
\addplot[very thick, domain=0:14] {9-x};
\addplot[very thick, domain=0:14] {9-0.5*x};
\addplot[very thick, domain=0:14] {14-2*x};
\begin{axis}[only axis on top,
axis line style=very thick,
axis x line=bottom,
axis y line=left,
xlabel=$x_1$, ylabel=$x_2$,grid=major
\addplot[name path global=firstline, very thick, domain=0:14] {9-x};
\addplot[name path global=secondline, very thick, domain=0:14] {9-0.5*x};
\addplot[name path global=thirdline, very thick, domain=0:14] {14-2*x};
%Repeat next line with a different pattern to show a pattern mixture
%over this region.
\fill[name intersections={of=secondline and thirdline, by=pointtwo}][pattern=vertical lines] (rel axis cs:0,1) -- (pointtwo)--(14,2)|-cycle;