


\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style

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BSL 2 Aseptic \& Sterile Technique & Polyacrylamide \& Agarose Gel Electrophoresis \\
Cell Culture & SDS-PAGE \\
Streak \& Spread Plating & Western Blotting \\
Light \& Phase-Contrast Microscopy & Chromatography: Column, Thin-Layer, Gas\\
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) & Protein Isolation/Quantification/Crystallization\\
Restriction Enzyme Digests & Spectrophotometry: Bradford Protein Assay, Lowry Protein Assay, Edelhoch Protein Assay\\
Gram Staining Techniques & Gene Expression Analysis\\
Gene Cloning and Transformation & Coliform Testing (Edvotek, Phenol Red Lactose, Endo-Agar)\\
DNA construct design & Microbial Biochemical characterization (IMViC, Enterotube II, Oxi/Ferm Tube II, Api 20NE, API 20E)\\
DNA & Plasmid Isolation & Spectroscopy: IR \textsuperscript{1}H NMR, Fluorescence\\
Phage P1 Transduction & Chromatography: Column, Thin-Layer, Gas\\
Plaque Assay & Y\\
Antibiotic assay (MIC) & Y\\
Conjugation-based Transformation & Y\\
Plant Single Cell Isolation & Y\\
Plant Tissue Culture & Y\\






其中 p{宽度} 创建一个垂直顶部对齐的段落。

您的文本中的斜线存在一些问题。按照您的做法,即 Protein Isolation/Quantification/Crystallization,LaTeX 会将其视为一个单词,并且不知道如何拆分它们。所以它不会拆分。您必须添加 \slash{} 宏,使其看起来像:

蛋白质分离\slash{} 定量\slash{} 结晶

这应该可以让 LaTeX 正确排版。我无法运行你的 MWE,但你的表格代码应该如下所示:

BSL 2 Aseptic \& Sterile Technique & Polyacrylamide \& Agarose Gel Electrophoresis \\
Cell Culture & SDS-PAGE \\
Streak \& Spread Plating & Western Blotting \\
Light \& Phase-Contrast Microscopy & Chromatography: Column, Thin-Layer, Gas\\
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) & Protein Isolation\slash{} Quantification\slash{} Crystallization\\
Restriction Enzyme Digests & Spectrophotometry: Bradford Protein Assay, Lowry Protein Assay, Edelhoch Protein Assay\\
Gram Staining Techniques & Gene Expression Analysis\\
Gene Cloning and Transformation & Coliform Testing (Edvotek, Phenol Red Lactose, Endo-Agar)\\
DNA construct design & Microbial Biochemical characterization (IMViC, Enterotube II, Oxi\slash{} Ferm Tube II, Api 20NE, API 20E)\\
DNA & Plasmid Isolation & Spectroscopy: IR \textsuperscript{1}H NMR, Fluorescence\\
Phage P1 Transduction & Chromatography: Column, Thin-Layer, Gas\\
Plaque Assay & Y\\
Antibiotic assay (MIC) & Y\\
Conjugation-based Transformation & Y\\
Plant Single Cell Isolation & Y\\
Plant Tissue Culture & Y\\




 \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}p{5cm}Xp{5cm} @{}}
            BSL 2 Aseptic \& Sterile Technique & Polyacrylamide \& Agarose Gel 
            Electrophoresis \\
            Cell Culture & SDS-PAGE \\
            Streak \& Spread Plating & Western Blotting \\
            Light \& Phase-Contrast Microscopy & Chromatography: Column, Thin-Layer, 
            Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) & Protein 
            Restriction Enzyme Digests & Spectrophotometry: Bradford Protein Assay, 
            Lowry Protein Assay, Edelhoch Protein Assay\\
            Gram Staining Techniques & Gene Expression Analysis\\
            Gene Cloning and Transformation & Coliform Testing (Edvotek, Phenol Red 
            Lactose, Endo-Agar)\\
            DNA construct design & Microbial Biochemical characterization (IMViC, 
            Enterotube II, Oxi/Ferm Tube II, Api 20NE, API 20E)\\
            DNA & Plasmid Isolation & Spectroscopy: IR \textsuperscript{1}H NMR, 
            Phage P1 Transduction & Chromatography: Column, Thin-Layer, Gas\\
            Plaque Assay & Y\\
            Antibiotic assay (MIC) & Y\\
            Conjugation-based Transformation & Y\\
            Plant Single Cell Isolation & Y\\
            Plant Tissue Culture & Y\\

