\href 跨越页面边界导致第二列的链接混乱

\href 跨越页面边界导致第二列的链接混乱

我正在使用\href(来自hyperref 包)将一些链接放入正在使用两种语言排版的文档中paracol 包装XeTeX


texify -p --engine=xetex paramin.tex



I see a strange phenomenon regarding the behaviour of \verb+\href+ and page breaks when using the \textit{paracol} package. This document is designed to show the behaviour. This paragraph contains a \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com}{link} to some website, this one works as expected.
This paragraph contains a link at the end that should actually point to the same website as the one in the left column, but it gets messed up by the link in column one which crosses a page boundary. Updating the MiKTeX packaged didn't help. \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com}{link}.
Here's a few empty lines to save me writing more text. As an example, I include a link to \href{http://www.brockhaus.de/}{my favourite search engine}.

























Now we're all set I think. The link contained in this paragraph \href{http://www.error.com/}{is slightly longer than normal and crosses a page boundary}. This will result in it being repeated in the wrong place in column two on page one.
This again points to \href{http://www.brockhaus.de/}{my favourite search engine}. As only the first link in a column gets messed up, this one behaves as it should.




在这个例子中,只需添加或删除一个空行就可以修复生成的文档,因此,我很确定链接内的分页符与 paracol 的组合是罪魁祸首。
